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Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smells

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Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smells

     The smell of cat's urine is both strong and unpleasant. For this reason, you have to get rid of them immediately after you discover that a cat urinated in certain area of your home. Cats tend to urinate in the same place repeatedly to show territoriality. If you want to avoid this, you need to do some effective ways so the smell will be gone. Cats have strong sense of smell, and there are times that they can still smell their urine even if you already do not smell them. You need to double your effort in removing the odorous smell of the urine of thee cat so you are sure that they will no longer urinate in the same area again. Here are some ways to get rid of the smell thoroughly.

Make a mixture of water and vinegar and blot it to the urine as much as possible. This will help you get rid of the smell of the urine effectively. Let the carpet or the area that has the urine to dry after you put a vinegar solution on it. You can also use a vacuum to absorb the vinegar and water mixture. The vinegar is effective in killing the bacteria that causes the strong and bad smell of the cat's urine. If there are clothes and textiles that got affected by the cat's urine, you can remove them if before you wash them in a washing machine, you add a half or a full cup amount of vinegar to the machine.

One of the effective substances you can use to clean the urinated area and remove the smell is the baking soda. This can be more effective if you use this after you blotted the area with the vinegar solution. You can sprinkle the baking soda when the area is still wet or it has already dried up. It is also effective if you mix the baking soda with a hydrogen peroxide to help kill the bacteria and freshen the area.

You have to be careful when it comes to putting a strong chemical product to the area where the cat urinated especially if is a carpet. The chemical can stain and ruin the color of the carpet if you use the chemicals improperly.

While the urine smell is going to get old after a while, you're going to find that there are so many things that just won't work for you. If you're finding that some aren't working for you, you're going to want to make sure that you consult with a professional. If you work with a professional carpet cleaning company, you're going to find that they have many solutions that can work for you. You may also find that if all else fails, you may have to bite the bullet, repair your carpet and get something new. You will have to more than likely go all the way down to fix the padding as the smell usually soaks in here. By doing so, you can get rid of it for good.