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The Importance of Dog Training School

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The Importance of Dog Training School

     Dogs have long been man's best friend, but without adequate dog training they can quickly turn into man's worst nightmare. An inadequately trained canine can present a host of problems that sometimes causes him to be more trouble than he is worth. Fortunately, a well-trained animal can be a constant source of joy in any home. When that instruction is received in a school that specializes in producing well-trained dogs, those dogs' owners can rest assured that their animals' behavior will meet their lofty expectations.


Many people avoid sending their canines to a formal instructional environment, opting instead to train the animals themselves. The fact is that this form of instruction can produce some very positive benefits. A dog who is trained by his own master can learn most of the basic commands associated with a well-trained animal, and will develop a basic understanding of the fundamentals of instruction.

Despite those benefits, however, experience has consistently demonstrated that informal instruction of this nature can lead to areas of weakness in any animal's behavioral structure. These weaknesses can be addressed in the more structured environment that formal instructional methods provide.


Often times, animals that are trained by their masters in an exclusive one-on-one manner never fully come to terms with their role in the family. Many of these animals resist the natural structure that places their human masters at the top of the pack hierarchy. This problem often stems from the fact that so many canine owners are so easily manipulated by their pets and give in to their many demands.

A good canine school of instruction will focus on firmly establishing the proper hierarchy in the animal's mind. By the end of his period of instruction, he will come to recognize that humans are the dominant partners in the relationship, and attempts at manipulating those humans will be greatly reduced. In the long run, this is one of the most important lessons that any canine can learn.


Another important benefit that schools provide is the ability to ensure that the animal is trained in an environment of consistency. Many times, human owners who try to train their pets on their own adopt regimens that are inconsistent in nature. Expectations and demands change so frequently that the dogs can have difficulty determining what is expected of them. Professional trainers are keenly aware of this need to maintain consistent patterns of expectations.

Happy dogs

Most important of all is the fact that untrained dogs are seldom happy dogs. Like children, dogs are happiest when they fully understand their place within the family pack. When boundaries are well established, pets have an easier time adjusting to a consistent pattern of behavior. Professional trainers can help to establish those boundaries.

Though a formal period of instruction obviously costs more than self-training at home, it is far less expensive than dealing with many of the most common behavioral problems that can arise when dogs are not properly trained. As a result, most families that make the investment necessary to provide proper dog training for their beloved family pets find that the cost is more than justified.