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Skunk Smell Removal Requires More Than Just a Couple of Buckets of Water

29 11:46:54

Skunk Smell Removal Requires More Than Just a Couple of Buckets of Water

     Skunk smell removal can be a big problem if you do not know what is to be done when you or someone close to you or your pet has been sprayed by this creature.

You have some quick work on your hands

To get rid of that awful smell released by the skunk, you would have to act real fast. If you do not take quick action, you will find that it is going to be very difficult for you to get rid of the smell as it will spread.

Yes, it is very true; the foul odor of the skunk can spread much more quickly than you can ever imagine.

What can you do for skunk smell removal?

Most people begin to panic when hit by skunk odor and they do not know what can be done to get rid of it. But, there really is no cause for alarm as there are quite a few things that can be done to get rid of this dreadful smell. To stop this horrible smell from spreading here is what you can do:

Get rid of every bit of clothing on you:

Yes, unless you were running naked in the wilds, if you were hit with skunk spray, you first need to shred every single bit of clothing that you were wearing at the time of being attacked. If you do not do this, the results are going to be bordering on the disastrous. This is because the smell of the skunk spray will spread on to everything that these clothes will come into contact with.

So, if you do not get rid of these clothes that you have on when hit by skunk spray, whatever you touch - the smell is going to get on to those objects. It could be anything - your car, car seats, tables, chairs, carpet, beds, linen, curtains - You name it, you can be sure that it is all going to have the horrible stink of skunk smell.

What do you do with the clothes for skunk smell removal?

Just get them off you in the first place. Then after you have done that, it is very advisable that you put them in an isolated place like keeping them in a basket that is closed or some kind of can or bag or cleaning tray. Close the object you keep them in and keep it out of reach of anyone.

There are two options you have with these stinking clothes. One, you have to get rid of them. Or, you can send them to the cleaners - remember to tell your cleaner that they were hit by skunk spray - else you would find that your cleaner no longer likes you!

What after you have removed your clothes?

Once you are in your home and you have removed your clothes and properly disposed of them, you have to follow the right cleansing process.

If you think that you can get rid of this dreadful odor just by cleaning yourself with water, you are totally wrong. If you use water, you will find that you are just spreading the smell all over your body even more. Skunk smell removal requires more than you can possibly imagine.