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Keeping Your Pooch Safe During the Holiday Season

29 11:45:20

Keeping Your Pooch Safe During the Holiday Season

     The holidays are always an exciting time of year for you, but for your dog, this is a time when things really begin to change. It is important that you realize how everything feels for your dog and learn how to keep your pooch safe and happy during the holidays. Many changes occur, and while it may not bother you, it could end up bothering your dog. Here is a closer look at the holidays through the dog's eyes and what you can do to keep your dog safe.

First, consider what the dog is thinking when the holidays roll around. You have a tree in the house, which is something that they are used to seeing outdoors. Often dogs see trees as a good place to use the bathroom. This could be a problem when you bring a tree indoors for your dog, since he may see it as another good bathroom site.

Then you have all the lights and ornaments on the tree. The ornaments move and glisten, which makes them attractive to dogs. They may want to move them or even taste them. Lights are very stimulating to dogs, especially if the lights on the tree flash.

Often gifts are put under the tree and they often have ornaments or ribbons on them that glitter. These can all look pretty attractive to your dog, which can pose a problem if Fido decides he wants to open all the presents.

What can you do to help keep your dog safe, as well as your Christmas decorations and presents? Here are a few good tips that you should use during the holiday season:

- Try to keep your dog's routine the same as before. Make sure he is fed at the same time, put out to go to the bathroom at the same time, and has the same exercise times. This way the holidays don't get him off his schedule.

- If you have areas of your house that are decorated with garland, a Christmas tree, or candy, make sure that you limit your dog's access to that area of the home. You can keep your dog in one room or block off rooms off limits with a baby gate. Only allow your dog in these areas if you are there to supervise.

- Make sure that you keep your dog's diet the same as well. With all the great Christmas food, you may be tempted to offer them some of the scraps. Many dogs don't do well with dietary changes, so don't change the foods that they eat at this time of year. - If your dog ends up eating a decoration or an ornament, never try to make them throw it up. Often there are sharp edges on these items. Not only can then end up cutting when the dog eats them, but they can puncture and cut again if you try to make the dog throw them up. Call the vet immediately and find out how to deal with this situation.

- Don't put anything toxic in the water that you use for the Christmas tree that you put up. Dogs can easily get to this water and they may end up drinking the water. Supervising your dog or keeping him out of this room may prove to be the best solution in this case.