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Why Use Dog Glucosamine Instead of the Drug Store Brand

29 11:42:57

Why Use Dog Glucosamine Instead of the Drug Store Brand

     Dogs are very stoic creatures. They suffer in pain silently ?always trying to please their masters and keep them happy. Dogs will continue their daily routine as long as possible ?sometimes to their own detriment. So it's up to you to keep a watchful eye on your dogs, assessing their quality of life and keeping them safe, sound and happy.

How Do I Know My Dog Needs Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs

Dogs exhibit many of the same symptoms as people when they're in pain. What you need to be on the lookout for are any of the following signs:

?Your dog's mood or behavior has changed
?Your dog does not have as much energy as he used to
?Your dog is stiff in the morning and seems to limber up as the day goes on
?Your dog doesn't want to run, jump and play as much as he used to
?Your dog avoids going on long walks
?Your dog avoids climbing the stairs
?You dog doesn't want to jump in to car to go for rides
?Your dog yips when you touch him

These are the common symptoms of a dog in pain ?most specifically joint pain. When you see these symptoms it's up to do to do something about it ?because your dog is totally dependent on you for everything. One of the first things to consider is giving glucosamine chondroitin for dogs as a supplement.

Glucosamine chondroitin for dogs has been used for more than 20 years as an effective treatment for arthritis and joint pain. It is specifically formulated for your dog and dispensed based on weight.

Why Use Glucosamine for Dogs

Yes, it might be cheaper to go down to the local drug store to buy glucosamine for your dog ?but don't expect to see a significant improvement from it. That's because the way people absorb supplements and the way dogs absorb supplements are radically different. Dog glucosamine is formulated so that 85% or more of the supplement is taken into your dog's system ?to ensure the quickest relief from pain possible. It contains ascorbic acid along with other vitamins and minerals known to promote healing in dogs - while reducing inflammation and pain.

Dog Glucosamine is also flavored to make it more palatable ?and easier to get you dog to take. It is properly dosed for each specific dog, generally based on their weight. It is optimized to meet your dog's needs.

There is another concern with human glucosamine. Oddly, human supplements are not regulated as to quality and content ?because they are "dietary products" and outside the FDA mandate. When you give your dog human supplements, there is no FDA certificate as to their contents or purity. Dog supplements on the other hand are heavily regulated concerning content, quality and ingredients. With glucosamine for dogs you will always know exactly what you're giving your dog.

Why Use Glucosamine at All

Glucosamine is a natural substance that is produced in dogs and humans alike. It is necessary for the normal production of cartilage as well as for adequate joint lubrication. Glucosamine has been proven as effective as aspirin and Rimadyl in reducing pain. And it has the added advantage aspirin and Rimadyl do not ?it aids in rebuilding new tissue to increase your dog's mobility.

With dog glucosamine you will generally see improvement in your dog between 14 and 30 days. You will gradually see him become less stiff and more flexible ?willing to take walks, run and play again. Across time, your dog will appear young again, free of pain and excited about participating with the family.

If your dog is exhibiting any sign of joint pain isn't it time to do something about it? Why not start supplements of dog glucosamine now? Both you and your dog will be very glad you did.

Shawn William Nichols is a professional dog trainer and therapist. He has extensive experience working with injured dogs. He has created a new site Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs which deals with arthritis, joint pain and rehabilitation in dogs. Be sure to check out his review of Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs to see it it's right for your dog.

Shawn William Nichols is a professional dog trainer and therapist. He has just created a site dealing with arthritis, joint pain and rehabilitation in dogs. Check it out at You'll be glad you did.