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Great Ideas About Understanding Cats In The Article Below

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Great Ideas About Understanding Cats In The Article Below

     Cats make wonderful pets, however, they can also be a bit finicky. The following piece offers great insights into feline dietary needs, vet requirements and a number of other key issues.

Move any drape cords out of a cat's reach. Cats love to play with hanging cords and this poses the threat of your cat hurting themselves or becoming entangled. This is an extreme choking hazard and should be prevented at all costs. Secure your cords so they are out of the way and out of sight.

Do not allow your cat to get an electrical shock. Spray them with bitter apple, and they will stay away. Cords should be covered, especially if your cat tends to chew on them. Use some paper towel rolls to tuck loose cords. Electronic items with thin, tempting cords should always be put away when not in use.

You may want to have a microchip implanted in your cat. Even an indoor cat could someday jump through an open window. Collars or tags can identify your cat, but cats can wiggle out of those, and they are also at risk of getting hung up on something. A microchip will hold the contact information to reach you and it's only about as big as a piece of rice. All shelters and vets have scanners to ensure your cat gets home safely.

Male cats often develop crystals in their bladder that come out in their urine. This can be prevented with a proper diet. It can be painful to pass these crystals and your vet bill will be priced accordingly. Feed cats food that's low in magnesium. Read the label on any food you choose. Products that contain fish are normally much higher in magnesium over ones containing poultry.

Cats and small children may not always mix. Teach your kids the right way to hold a cat. Demonstrate the appropriate way to pick the cat up and how to play with them. Cats have weaker bones than dogs so should be treated carefully.

Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Explain where the cat is and isn't allowed. If you're planning on keeping your kitty inside full time, make sure your kids know their pet shouldn't go outdoors. This will ensure nothing bad happens.

Do you own both a dog and a cat? Dogs will eat cat food right up. This makes it a good idea to have a cat feeding place high up enough that your dog can't get to it. In doing so, you prevent spats and spitting over competition for water.

Cats love to be high up. To keep your cat happy, offer him a spot of his own up high where he can survey his kingdom. If a cat tree is not in your future, providing a stable shelving unit with no small items on it will do very well. You can even lay down a blanket to give your kitty some comfort.

Rotate the variety of food you feed your cat. Keeping the same kind of food around most of the time makes it to where they only want that specific food.

Your cat needs to always wear some tags on a collar. Even indoor cats should have identification on them. An adventurous cat can easily slip through an open door or window. The tag should have your phone number on it. Include your cat's special diet or medical needs on his identification.

Caring for a cat may seem easy, and if you are lucky it is, but many needs lots of attention from regular check-ups at the vet. Make use of the excellent advice provided here to ensure you are doing all you can for your cat. The best benefit is a mutually satisfactory experience for you and the cat.