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Most Useful Puppy Training Tips

29 11:28:49
Most Useful Puppy Training Tips

Having a puppy at home is not important but to have well trained puppy is important. Well-trained puppy will behave in good manner and you will feel proud of your puppy. However, puppy training is not an easy task. You have to take much effort on it. I have mentioned below few puppy-training tips for you.

Be positive:

During a training session, you have to think positive. Always start session at positive end and end with positive thinking. This will build your confidence.

Start at young:

Ideal time to start training is at younger stage (6-8 week old). You can start early also but it will depend on puppy learning ability.

Make socialize:

This is most important puppy-training tips to make your puppy socialize. Introduce puppy with other family members, get him introduced to your home and surroundings. This will help to mark boundaries of your home.

Be patient:

Puppy sometime may not respond to your command or may refuse to learn some tasks. However, be patient and do not punish the puppy at this stage. Think that puppy is like your baby and try to correct puppy by repetitive commands.

Give treats:

Puppy must be rewarded by using treats. Keep this in mind do not give treats without any reason. After completion of any task, you can give treat. This will inspire puppy for the next task and the puppy will respond you more quickly. You can use chew toys, bone toys also.

Use dog collar:

To control puppy you can use dog collar or dog harness. These will give you greater control over the puppy. You can correct misbehavior of puppy by using dog harness.

Keep short sessions:

Always plan to have sessions of 15-20 minutes not more than this. Give the single command a time, repeat command until puppy follows it. After competing training session spend some time with a puppy, it will help to build the relationship between dog and you.

Punish for misbehavior:

Do not punish for small mistakes, if puppy is doing repeated misbehavior then you can punish him. Unnecessary punishment will make a dog aggressive so avoid these.

Be consistent:

Plan sessions at regular interval; do not leave gaps in between. This will help dog to recall previous commands. Avoid multiple commands at a time; otherwise, puppy will get confused during training session.

Keep this in mind, if you plan dog-training session friendly, it will be a pleasant time for both of you. If needed you can take help from professional trainer. Otherwise puppy-training tips will work best.