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Ensuring Safe and Nutritious Food to Dog

29 11:21:28
The dog food is always prepared or selected according to the choice of the owner as well as the need of the animal. The food plan for the pet also is based on the age, weight, sex, breed and health condition. Those who want to introduce a new menu system for their pet, must conduct a trial first and in case the dog is found quite alright after consuming the new diet, they may continue with it. Dogs are given fortified meals also in order to ensure proper nutrition. The eatables are mixed with nutritional supplements like calcium syrups for strong bones and olive oil or sunflower oil for healthy skin. Apart from providing eatables made of nutritious as well as harmless ingredients, the eatable must meet all individual requirements of the dog. Just like humans, dogs are also choosy in their food. Hence, it is also important that the animal likes a particular fodder. In case, the pet is not willing to eat a particular eatable, it is advisable to discontinue the same.

Those who want to purchase the dog food from the market should choose the type of fodder that is suitable in all aspects of their pet. Every fodder that is available in the market may not be suitable for all the breeds. Hence the dog owner's selection of the food is all the more important. The type of fodder needed for dogs varies from one breed to another. Food with high fat content may suit to some breeds, but a few breeds require eatables with lower fat content. The dogs that suffer due to constipation are to be given eatables that are rich in fiber content. Poultry-based eatables are ideal for many breeds. Some of the breeds require eatables that are rich in protein.

Generally, commercial fodder that contain the minimum number of ingredients are suitable for dogs. The owner can make those foods more nutritious by mixing them with unprocessed fresh natural fodder. When too many ingredients are present in commercial alternatives, it may lead to digestion disorders and intolerance. One should not feed the pet with all available types of proteins. The protein fodder that is ideal to feed these pets are chicken, fish, beef, lamb and turkey. When a dog develops a food allergy, it must be fed with a completely new diet consisting of new ingredients. While buying commercial eatables for these pets, the owners must go through the label and check the ingredients that are present in them. Any newly introduced fodder can be tried by feeding the pet with the same for a few days or a few months. In case the pet shows any intolerance, the same may be discontinued.