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Naturally Repel Mosquitoes if You Dont Use the Best Flea Treatment for Dogs

29 11:20:28
If there's one thing all people in warm, humid, well watered climates hate, its mosquitoes. But did you know that your dog probably hates those thirsty insects just as much as we do? And is at even greater risk of harmful diseases than we are?

The Danger of Mosquito Bites for Dogs

Heartworm medication is generally a common treatment for most domestic dogs throughout the majority of the United States, though there are plenty who either knowingly opt out of buying those treatments or who don't know their dogs need them. Heartworms are a big danger to dogs, and mosquitoes are their major "carriers." While mosquito bites can be just as itchy and annoying to a pup as to a human, it can also carry infected blood from another dog that has heartworms and infect the healthy dog with blood carrying heartworm offspring.

Mosquito Treatments to Avoid

Lots of people use chemical mosquito sprays, but most any vet will tell you to avoid any spray with DEET when treating a dog. DEET is not safe for consumption, and as many dog owners know, there are few things in the world a dog likes better than to lick sprays and washes off its fur - including toxic chemicals.

What Mosquito Treatments to Look For

The best flea treatments for dogs can actually contain mosquito-fighting agents that repel and/or kill mosquitoes on contact. Obviously this has the big advantage of convenience, but also the benefit of offering continual protection that doesn't have to be applied regularly.

Natural Mosquito Treatments

There are dozens of natural anti-mosquito recipes out there. Lightly diluting lemon juice with water makes a nice natural spray, or you could even try rubbing a cut lemon right into your dog's fur! Essential oils are also really great natural solutions for dogs and people alike. Try citronella oil, or even a fragrant type like thyme or peppermint. Just remember that essential oils are very potent - heavily dilute them (just a couple drops into a small spritz-bottle), or add a drop or two to the dog's collar.

These treatments are usually good for a few hours, but the collar method should offer some protection for several days. Just remember to avoid mosquito-heavy areas with your dog as much as possible, and use these treatments as a supplement rather than a replacement for heartworm/mosquito treatment if you're in a heavily infested area.

How to apply this treatment product?

Applying this product is extremely easy. It has a rounded tip which makes it easier to directly apply on the dog's skin. Furthermore, there is no dripping as compared to other products available in the market. They are tested to ensure accurate dosing.

It is of paramount importance that you choose the best product for your dog and do not settle for anything. It is fast acting and long lasting product. Furthermore, you get to stop the parasites before they can bite your dog and spread various diseases. Seek veterinarian help for more details.