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Top Five Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

29 11:20:16
Companion, innocent, lively and a friend- these are some of the adjectives we attach to a dog, especially if the person in question is an avid dog lover. Though there is minimal reason for anyone to be terrified of a dog, there are those who prefer to keep their distance from these loving beings.

But are all dogs adorable and lovely to have around? This list of the top five most aggressive dog breeds will surely make you think again.

1. Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier tops the list as being the most aggressive dog breed. Many dogs from this breed have made headlines for attacking anyone and everyone in their vicinity. These were traditionally bred as fighter dogs and with the ban on dog fights; many countries have put a ban on breeding these dogs too. They have been known to attack the elderly, children and even their owners. If you so much as see a Pit Bull Terrier around, consider yourself warned!

2. German Shepherd

This breed is a favourite among the police and security personnel because of their loyalty, intelligence and of course, aggression. Since they were originally bred to be work dogs, they are excitable and their energy can convert into violence if the situation demands so. They have been known to be very protective of their owners but at the same time, this breed can also prove to be fatal attackers who turn on their masters. It's best if these are kept happy and are adopted by the people who know how to handle their temperament.

3. Rottweiler

These canines have a long standing history as being guard dogs and police dogs. The Rottweiler breed can be good pets but their underlying aggression should always be kept in check, especially while they are around children. Their biting attacks can be fatal for the person on the receiving end and therefore, if one wants to own one of these, they should make sure they make them sociable from the start.

4. Doberman Pinscher

Doberman is generally seen as being among the most loyal dog breeds but a Doberman pinscher can be a danger to human life owing to the extreme energy and aggression it holds within itself. If it experiences a negative vibe around him, especially towards his master, a dog from this breed will not shy away from launching into a fatal attack.

5. Wolf- Dog Hybrid

As the name suggests, this breed shares an ancestry with the wolves and with this comes the element of danger. It is difficult to predict a wolf's behaviour and this fits true for this breed. Their wild instincts make them a threat to humans. Though these may seem majestic, the mere fact that it's a mix between two aggressive animals is proof enough of how dangerous a member of the Wolf- Dog breed can be.

There are many other fierce dog breeds but these five are among the most aggressive dog breeds living around us.