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Dog Obedience Training: Down Command

29 10:51:38

The down command is a very useful command that any owner can train their dog. Dogs that learn and comply when a down command is administered, whether it is for food, treats or simply obedience, shows a high level of respect. This command is best taught right after your dog has mastered the sit command and is also better used when the dog must remain in this position for long periods of time.

The down command is helpful in many situations - desensitization from fearfulness (having him lie down and relax) A downed dog won’t run across the road, chase cats, cars, children or bother approaching strangers. A dog that understands and obeys the down command is a safer dog and it also keeps him/ her out of harm’s way.

1. Have your dogs favorite treats in hand, get his/her attention and administer the sit command

2. Once you have your dogs attention, and is in the sit position, place the treat close to his nose allow him to smell it and “want it“.

3. Lower the treat to the ground, hold the treat till your dog is in the down position, and then release it.

4. Repeat over and over in short and sharp training sessions

5. Once your dog begins to understand the action, add the verbal command when you start moving the treat towards the ground

A few notes to remember

* If your dog's front end goes down, but the back end doesn't, wait until your dog is completely down before releasing the treat.

* The idea is to gradually phase out the treats and have your dog respond to just your verbal command.

* Eventually you should be able to start from a standing position, but ensure that your dog can do it well from the sit position.

* As your dog’s ability to comply with your commands increases, increase the surrounding variables. (While out on a walk, at the park with other dogs, throughout your daily routine etc.)

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