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Training Dogs to Stop Bad Behaviors Such As Digging And Excess Barking

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Even though we love our dogs so much, there are certain times wherein he will do something which will drive us crazy. More often than not, this bad behavior of his also affects our neighbors and thus strain a healthy relationship. Normally, there are two dog behaviors which can produce such problems. These issues are digging in the back yard and even excessive barking.

There are several reasons why dogs bark. It may be because he has heard something which has excited him, or he has sensed danger and would like to let you know about it. Most of the time though, dogs bark because they think you are not paying enough attention to him. In the same manner, dogs bark excessively once they have been left by themselves for a very long time period. They only want to get your attention, and this is one of the things they know how to get it.

If you want him to stop barking excessively, it is not that difficult. But as with every dog training, it will require lots of time and patience from the part of the dog owner. Once you see that your dog barks excessively because he is worried and alone, you can try taping one of the family conversations and play it on a continuous player. Your dog can get calmed down once he hears your voice. If this does not work, you can also leave the television on one of those talk stations because they leave a similar effect on the dog. You can even use an AM radio station.

However, if your dog barks excessively while you two are together, then you might want to try some other options to help you calm him down. If he is on his leash and he barks, you can give him a firm and sharp tug from the leash and give him a firm 'no' command. But if this does not work, you can carry half a lemon along with you. Once your dog barks, you can squeeze some juice on his lips. Soon, he will get the message that once he barks, something nasty will happen. But you should not overdo this though, as your dog might get traumatized and not bark at all. Even if your home is being approached by a serial killer.

Another problematic behavior of dogs is digging. What will happen if you wake up every morning to find your neighbor angry at you because once again, your dog has dug up your neighbor's prized roses? What if it was the other way around, you would get mad too right? Well, this is because before dogs get domesticated, they normally bury their food so that they can return to it later on. But there are also some instances wherein dogs dig simply because they enjoy doing it. He might be bored or have some extra energy that he needs to use. Because of this, digging is one of their preferred options.

The best way you can stop this behavior from your dog is to find out the reason why he keeps doing it. You can try recording his behavior and watch it after. If your dog seems bored, you can give him some vigorous exercise before you leave him in the yard. This way, he will be too tired to even think of digging.

Training your dog how to stop developing these bad behaviors mentioned above is an important aspect which you must do. This is because if you let him do whatever he wants, you and your neighbors will never get to live in harmony together.