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Owning a Dog can Help You Live a Happier Life

29 10:45:20

Dog owners know all too well that coming home to their wagging tailed dog is the greatest feeling in the world. When you walk into the home, you truly light up your dogs life. They love you unconditionally and probably see you at your very worst, but they don't care, they adore you regardless of what you are wearing, what you look like, or how sick you are. It has actually been proven that petting a dog lowers blood pressure, which is why many dogs are working dogs, or those that go into hospitals and nursing homes, because they can cheer up a patient more than a person can.

Owning a dog makes your life fuller, and healthier. If you have to walk your dog a couple of times each day, you are better in shape than someone that does no walking. Because a dog offers unconditional love, they can treat your depression naturally because a dog brings happiness and this happiness releases endorphins that are a natural anti-depressant. You feel better when you are with your dog and therefore your mood is lifted and brighter.

Moreover, owning a dog allows you to feel less stressed, which improves your overall immune system. If you have a medical condition, owning a dog can actually help you live a longer life. It is amazing the numerous health benefits owning a dog can bring. Research has shown that owning a dog that shows you unconditional love reaches a deeper level than even human relationships can. This deeper level that your dogs connects to you is what helps you remain healthier and live a happier life.

Additionally, with your dog, you can be completely yourself, because they do not care if you are having a bad hair day or you do not want to put on nice clothes. You do not have to dress up or be presentable to see your dog, they accept you unconditionally. This lowers stress because you have a freedom of truly "letting your hair down" that you may not have with another human.

Single people and elderly people that live alone, when they come home to an empty home, feel very alone, which can lead to loneliness. However, those that have a dog waiting for them are greeted with an exuberant welcome and you can kick back and relax knowing your furry friend is right there by your side. So therefore, your dog offers companionship, which is especially helpful to the elderly and studies have proven that those with dogs actually have fewer medical problems than elderly people that live completely alone.

Finally, dogs encourage you physically because if you have to take your dog out to potty or exercise, you are gaining a walk as well, which helps your joints to move freer and smoother, which of course helps with arthritis. A dog demands attention and they want your attention, be it taking them out or giving them supplies such as dog toys or dog collars, and when you give this to them, it causes you to connect not only to them but with your own emotions on several levels.