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Positive Reinforcement in Dog Training

29 10:38:31

Dog training does not come as intrinsically to a dog person as we might think. A large number of dog owners, even after being dog lovers, find themselves yanking the leash of their dogs, yelling on top of their voices to subdue them and will them into not defacing the house premises. Plenty have joined dog training classes with a substantial dog trainer and have been working on their dog’s training with no remarkable results. We are left to wonder what it is that we are doing wrong. In our advent to be the master of a creature that is most earnestly man’s best friend, we have come to be abusive and insensitive to its feelings.

There are many trainers that have mastered the art of dog training with positive reinforcements and gentle pet care to subdue them into submission sans any harshness and insensitivity. They cover the basic services of dog potty training, dog obedience training and crate training. Yes do not be shocked on coming across the idea of putting your dog in a crate. It is an entirely normal and healthy thing and does not mean you are jailing your pet if its premises are spacious enough to allow him to stretch, roll around and rest. The dog need only be confined to it not more than four to five hours at a stretch and be allowed to roam inhibited, saving some places like the kitchen, in your house.

While training puppies, extra care needs to be taken. They need to be taught gently and with love, not with constant yanking of their leashes that may harm their necks. The most important idea is to be observant of their relieving needs. Do not be shocked to learn that your new puppy needs to release some eight times a day. So you need to take him out at early morning, mid morning, late morning, midday, late afternoon, early evening, mid evening and before bed time. If you avoid this, it may result in their defacing the house and can turn into a habit. However, when undergoing dog potty training you will find out that they need to be roamed about only 4 times, half in comparison to puppies.

The idea behind our dog’s and our own mind’s welfare is to approach it in a soothing but authoritative manner instead of vociferating. The lesson we learn here is that with an optimistic and encouraging attitude we may achieve spectacular results or else we may simply waste our time grumbling irritably about our dog.