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Benefits of using dog bark collars in dog training

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The use of dog bark collars is arguably the most effective way to train dogs. Though there are different types of anti bark collars, they all operate on the same principle of providing an irritating stimulus such as an electric shock, a vibration, or a high-pitched sound when the dog barks. The anti bark collars have a sound or vibration sensitive device depending on the model that is activated when the dog barks thereby releasing the irritating stimuli.
Dog bark collars are effective in reducing unnecessary barking but in order to achieve long-lasting results it is important to use them in combination with other training techniques. Dogs love attention and they have learned that the way to get it is through barking. If you train your dog not to bark when it wants to catch your attention you can reduce its incessant barking with great efficacy. In conjunction with using the dog correction collars a little motivation goes along way. Saying “quiet” to your dog repeatedly in a calm clear voice helps the dog to associate the stimuli produced from the collar with the command to be quiet which helps to reduce barking in a short time.
Dog training collars can also be used to reduce unwanted behavior such as growling and showing of teeth, straying, scratching on furniture, and even chewing on shoes. If used in the right way the dog bark collars can help the pet owner to achieve the right type of behavior for his dog. They are a cheap, effective, and safe way to train dogs. The use of these collars is relatively easy as all you have to do is attach the collar though positive reinforcement and incorporate a rewards systems for good behavior so as to enhance behavior modification.
Though dog bark collars are used to reduce barking, it is important to note that in most cases dogs bark out of necessity when they need food or when they are uncomfortable. As you embark on the use of dog correction collars it is important to ensure that all the needs of your dog/s have been addressed in the right way. A lot of emphasis should be placed on the general well being of your dog/s to ensure that even after barking is effectively reduced the dog/s remains comfortable and happy.
The use of dog bark collars in dog training has gained popularity over the years and their use is expected to increase due to their approval by groups involved in fighting for the rights of animals. You can now easily purchase the dog correction collars online as there are many stores providing these collars in addition to other dog training gear.