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Where Do Dog Skin Problems Come From?

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Different kinds of dog skin problems may possibly arise to affect your dog. So as a responsible pet owner, you need to consider knowing what these are. Your dog can end up feeling extremely miserable if they would not find immediate relief. It can also be harmful to your own health if you don't take care of it immediately.

Dogs are active creatures. They typically run along and play on the soil and that is something that you can't control. But what you can do is know their health and also provide ways to help their immune system get boosted up. You should consider getting them to the vet regularly for checkups.

Among the usual suspects for dog skin problems is fungal infection. Your dog can become terribly affected by this that he would end up having the popular ringworms. Most people consider this an actual work when in fact it is simply a fungi shaped like worm. This can get very itchy and cause other problems if left untreated.

Aside from fungi, bacteria can also cause skin infections if wounds or skin openings are not properly sanitized. This can come from simple scratches that are not noticed or left untreated and not cleansed properly.

Preventing dog skin problems from happening can be done by checking on how your dog's coat looks like. You can easily determine problems by also scheduling them for grooming every week with the veterinarian or your choice of pet grooming station.

Allergies are also something to consider because it happens among dogs too. There are different reasons why it is triggered but among those are food, allergens present in the air, and parasites like fleas.

Allergies can be a bit difficult to detect. You would need to have your dog undergo a series of tests before the actual results can be seen. Also, you would have to start a process of elimination on your own so that you would be able to identify urgently where the allergies probably came from.

Finally, dog skin problems may also be caused by hereditary or hormonal causes. If their parents have it, then there's a big risk of passing the said skin problem onto them. In addition to this, hypothyroidism as well as Cushing's diseases, or excessive cortisol production, can also put dog's at risk for a lower immune system.