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Be Familiar with Dog Skin Problems

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Dog skin problems exist for all types of dog. As a pet owner, you should make it a point to check if your dog is suffering from any of the known skin problems. If these skin threats would not be paid any attention to, it’s possible that it would turn out for the worse and eventually draw an infection for the dog’s blood. Knowing the signs and symptoms then becomes very important.

Among the most common types of skin problems that pester dogs are allergies. It’s not just humans who actually get affected by these but even dogs. There are a number of sources for allergies but the most common are food and allergens. This is why you should do some extra care when feeding new things to your dogs and also make sure you keep your home clean.

Another known cause of skin problems for dogs are fleas. Not only do they infest your dog’s skin but they also make it a point to feed right on your pet’s blood. As if all of these are not even enough yet, these fleas would then proceed to cause some unsightly irritation on your dog’s skin because of the trail of saliva they leave behind after every bite. Eventually, such irritations would appear as rashes and it would be very itchy for dogs that they have to incessantly scratch on it.

Speaking of parasites, ear mites are another one that your dog should battle against. What these pests do is reside inside the ears of your dog. They physically look as if they are small coffee grinds. Once entered into the ears, ear mites can eventually take up refuge in other parts of the dog’s body. It would be dangerous once they start entering the ear canal. To fight off their infections, medications are prescribed.

Should you find gray spots suddenly scattered on your dog’s skin, you should also be wary. This can already be a sign for ticks. Like any other parasite, ticks also reside right on your dog’s skin. What it does is feed on your dog’s blood as well. But in the long run, it can cause Lyme to your dog and have them lose their appetite drastically and even enlarge their lymph nodes.

Even lice are known to cause dog skin problems. Canine lice can be very small and transparent that they would not be seen by the naked eyes. However, once seen they appear to be flattened insects. Because of their wings, they can easily transfer from one host to another which is why dogs often get them as they come in contact with other dogs that already have canine lice.

Dog skin problems are also rounded up with fungal infections. Usually, a parasite like ringworn is behind such problems. You would know that your dog is suffering from fungi infection if they exhibit dry flaky skin. Your pet’s skin would also appear to be scaly and redness around the infected area will appear.

Prevent dog skin problems by regularly having your dog checked up on. You should also make sure that you keep your home clean because parasites can fester on your dogs as they usually lay flat on your floors.

Jennifer is a dog health specialist who specializes in canine skin problems. Click here to learn more.