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English Bulldog: Exercise and Obesity

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Obesity is one of the most common problems affecting dogs of any breed, even the tough looking English Bulldog is at risk. In fact, dog experts believe that obesity is the fourth leading cause of deat...

Obesity is one of the most common problems affecting dogs of any breed, even the tough looking English Bulldog is at risk. In fact, dog experts believe that obesity is the fourth leading cause of death among dogs. Why? Be aware that, just like humans, fat dogs are more prone to heart disease, fatty liver disease, cancer, canine diabetes, kidney issues as well skeletal stress.

You will know if Fido is overweight when you can no longer feel his ribs because of the increasing amounts of fat. There is also minimal or no tuck up in the tummy area. While obese dogs have heavy fat over the ribs, along the spine and around the tail, morbidly fat dogs on the other hand have protruding abdomens and fat deposits throughout their bodies.

If not properly exercised, the English Bulldog can gain weight easily. Other than?that, exercise also helps them release their energy and provides challenge which is ideal in preventing problems such as aggression and other behavior issues. Daily exercise, particularly daily walks must be taken on not only to help trim down weight but also to fulfill their primal canine instinct to walk.

But there are things owners must remember when exercising the English Bulldog. Although some bulldogs are full of energy, it is not advisable to run them too much. In addition to having short legs, they are prone to respiratory issues and can cause them to overheat when run too much. This breed is very sensitive to heat thus utmost care is needed especially exercising during overly warm periods. When going out to exercise, be sure to keep your dog out of standing heat and do not forget to bring plenty of water for him to drink.

Checking the quality of dog foods you give to your dog is also one sure way to prevent your English Bulldog from gaining excessive weight.