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Preparation And Routine For Obedience Training Your Dog

29 9:52:07

Prepare yourself for what you will be teaching before taking your dog to the obedience training area for the lesson. You will only have your dogs attention for a very short time so its best to have a plan.

燙arefully read the exercise you will be working on. Familiarize yourself with the equipment you will be using. Make a mental note of what side your dog will be walking on, which turns you'll be making, and which hand should hold the leash.

Some people find it very helpful to take a dry run through the routine without their dog. If your confused about what you're going to be working on you can be assured that your dog will be confused as well. The end result of unsure movements and commands on the part of the trainer (you), will result in an incorrect behavior being learned on the part of your dog. The obedience training process will be longer and more difficult.

Ideally, you should work your dog through the regular obedience exercises a minimum of three times per day. Space these sessions about three hours apart. The length of each session will depend on your dog's attention span for that day. You will begin to recognize the warning signs that he has absorbed as much as he can for one session. A session should never exceed 15 minutes. Try to end the session on a positive note before he is burned out.

During the rest of the day, be sure to include some play time, socialization and exercise. As your dog learns the commands you can practice them bu incorporating them in your daily activities. Avoid confining your commands to a lengthy session. You may want to practice a 揹own-stay?while you fold the laundry, or tell your dog to sit while grooming. When giving a command, be sure he follows through, and always remember to praise him.

Obedience training is not something you can complete in one day; it's an ongoing part of your dog's life. After the commands have been learned, they should be used on a regular basis in order to make the commands reliable. Don't make every interaction with your dog a precision command. Have fun with your dog. Give him a chance to be a dog. You should always remain the leader, but try to be a fun one to follow. This will ensure that your dog does not resent the obedience training sessions and will be entering into each session with enthusiasm.