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Do Not Keep Your Pet Outdoor Rabbits Should be Indoor-5 Good Reasons Why

29 9:46:50

If you have a pet rabbit and make him live outside,know that you should not be keeping your pet outdoor. Rabbits are exposed to a lot of dangers and hazards and have advantage to be keept indoor most of the time.There are a variety of reasons why and I will elaborate 5 good ones.

  • The weather
牋牋牋牋牋 Rabbits have to be keept cool and dry.Summers are too hot for them and winters too cold.Humidity gets to their feets and can generate health problems. They are also very sensitive to overheating.Hot temperatures above 80F in the summer could be fatal for your rabbits.

  • 燤ites And Fleas
牋牋牋牋牋 If your rabbits are kept outside at all times, they are likely to get fleas and mites like all other pets .Especially ear mites can affect them and could be very problematic to cure.Also flys can come lay their eggs into their dropings and if they get infested with them,you can say goodbye to little friend.
  • Premature Death
牋牋牋牋?Rabbits living indoor have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.On the other hand,because of all the dangers they get exposed to,pet outdoor rabbits usually live only from 1 to 4 years.They are much more likely to get ill if they live outside than inside.
  • Predators
牋牋牋牋牋 All kinds of predators are going to be around your rabbits at all times.Racoons, cats, dogs, crows,and other pray birds.When a predator comes around the rabbits they get very stressed out and they can actually get scared to death.This is one of the main reason why their life expectancy outside is so short.

  • Limited Space
牋牋牋牋 To give them a minimum of safety you will have to keep your outdoor rabbits in cages or hutches.And this is where they will be condemned to live their whole lives. But what is the point of having pets if they are outside away from you all the time?It is like keeping a dog chained in the yard his whole life.