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Pet Chinchillas - The Ten Best Chinchilla Care Tips

29 9:43:58

Clean cage. Your Chinchilla cage must be cleaned often and thoroughly. Chinchillas are prone to infections and disease if the cage is not cleaned and disinfected. We recommend changing the food and ...

Clean cage. Your Chinchilla cage must be cleaned often and thoroughly. Chinchillas are prone to infections and disease if the cage is not cleaned and disinfected. We recommend changing the food and water daily with a quick change of some of the bedding as Chinchillas tend to urinate in the same spot. You should also remove its droppings too.

Heat. Chinchillas cannot handle high temperatures. Once your thermometer hits the high 70 degrees Fahrenheit you need to cool the cage with a fan, air-conditioning or ice cubes in a bowl. Put the cage somewhere there is air flow but not near a back door which would cause the temperature to go up and down frequently.

Chinchilla Bed. Make your Chinchilla comfortable by putting something soft in its cage floor so it can sleep. Wood shavings are best as long as they have not been treated with chemicals. Cedar and pine are to be avoided.

Chinchilla Cleaning. Your Chinchilla must be cleaned and not in water because this will remove the Chinchillas natural oils from its skin and fur. In fact a Chinchilla must be put in a bowl filled with special Chinchilla dust; this is known as a Chinchilla dust bath. Do this twice a week at the very least but ideally every two days. What happen are the Chinchilla rolls around getting the dust into its fur, this then gathers dirt and oils leaving him nice and cleansed!

Solid Floor. It is best to buy a cage with a solid floor. Many cages have wire mesh floors for owners who prefer the easier cleaning this brings. This is because the dirt and droppings drop out of the cage to your floor below. But the Chinchilla has little legs and they may get caught in the gaps between the wires.

Chinchilla Food. Be careful what you feed your new pet and best friend. Chinchillas are not like humans who have a capacity to eat many different types of food. Nothing sweet should be given to your Chinchilla. Food needs to be unprocessed and natural. Buy food especially for your Chinchilla from your local pet store or online.

Water. You can put a bowl in your Chinchilla cage or you can attach a water bottle to the side of the cage. Make sure your Chinchilla always has water otherwise it will dehydrate and die possibly.

Chinchilla Health and Safety. Be careful to make sure your cage does not have any spots where your Chinchilla may catch its legs. When you let your Chinchilla out of its cage make sure the room is secure and Chinchilla -friendly, no electric wires that it can chew through! Nothing poisonous in the room. Your Chinchilla will eat anything in sight!

Chinchilla Exercise Wheel. Get a wheel in the cage and your Chinchilla can run until he is exhausted. No matter how big your cage is the Chinchilla would rather be running around in plenty of space. So providing a wheel allows him to really stretch his legs. This is important for his health just as we would become ill if we did not move and exercise our bodies.

Let Him Loose! Get your Chinchilla out of the cage at least once a week. This gives him a chance to run around and play. Handle him with care, using both hands place one hand below the body with the thumb around a front leg (so he doesn't jump away) and supporting the body weight with the second hand below the hindquarters. Gently does it because he is naturally timid and shy.

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