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When I speak to my clients about how much money they want to make in their pet sitting businesses, I am shocked at the answers that I receive. The responses usually range anywhere from $30,000 to $75,000. That’s an average of $52,500 per year for what these businesses hope and wish they can make. I find this not only shocking but also sad. You see, you must set high goals for yourself to achieve great things in life and with all of these business owners setting the bar so low for themselves it’s no wonder there are so few profitable pet sitting businesses out there.

I‘m here to tell you that you CAN make so much more in your business and that you don’t have to play small. You can create a greatly prosperous and professionally fulfilling pet sitting business. I know that it may not seem possible, but I can tell you from experience that it is! By creating systems and leverage techniques you can ignite your pet sitting business into a moneymaking machine. First, you must change your mindset. You must think BIGGER, dream BIGGER and BELIEVE that you can do it. Then you have to do the work.

My personal business coach Fabienne Fredrickson shared with me a paragraph from Louise Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life.” This excerpt has resonated with me and hopefully it will do the same for you.

“I love the visualization of standing at the seashore looking out at the vast ocean and knowing that this ocean is the abundance that is available to me. Look down at your hands and see what sort of container you are holding. Is it a teaspoon, a thimble with a hole in it, a paper cup, a glass, a tumbler, a pitcher, a bucket, a washtub, or perhaps you have a pipeline connected to this ocean of abundance? Look around you and notice that no matter how many people there are and no matter what kind of container they have, there is plenty for everyone. You cannot rob another, and they cannot rob you. And in no way can you drain the ocean dry. Your container is your consciousness, and it can always be exchanged for a larger container.”

After I read this I looked at myself and realized that I was carrying only a small pitcher. I wanted to make money, but I was content with “just enough.” That was the thought that I constantly told myself. (You have to start becoming keen to the sabotaging thoughts that go through your mind.) It wasn’t until I shifted my mindset and asked the universe to triple my income that the right opportunities started to present themselves. It’s strange how the universe works. “Ask and you shall receive.” It’s so true.

Your Assignment: Picture yourself on the shoreline, feet in the sand, looking out at our vast ocean of abundance. What’s in your hands? Now, change that mental picture to that large pipeline. Next start writing the goals down as if you have already received them and are so grateful. Remember, you can’t ask for too much because you can never exhaust the supply of abundance that is available to you.

1. I’m so happy and grateful that I received 5 new clients this week. I’m so grateful! Thank you universe!

2. I’m so happy and grateful that I hired 2 new fabulous, responsible pet sitters this week. I’m so happy and grateful. Thank you universe!

3. I’m so happy and grateful that I made an additional $50,000 in revenue this year, 2012

You get the picture. Be specific as possible and always be grateful for it. Without that element you won’t get very far. Remember, you are the only person that can set the limits. Think BIG, dream BIG and BELIEVE you can do it. I believe in you.

Are you committed to shifting your mindset? Great! If you need help and want to learn the systems and best practices to building a profitable pet sitting business email me at to schedule a FREE get acquainted call. I would love to help you boost your business straight to success! I will give you all of the tools, scripts, templates and examples handed to you on a silver platter.