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Stop Animal Abuse and adopt them

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Things to consider before adopting a stray
Have you seen those stray dogs, lying around your society gates or on roads nearby? They are those neglected stray dogs which no one cares for and who either die in a road accident or get diseases. Have you ever considered animal rescue through adoption, caring for them and taking care of them. If you have a yard where you can keep such a dog, adopt one and take care of it. However before adopting one there are a lot of things to take care of. These things are essential to consider for your and the dog’s betterment.

Check the dogs Health
The most important thing to do before you bring the dog home is check for its health conditions. Take him for her to a vet and conduct a thorough health check. Find out if the dog’s previous owner had got it operated for not producing babies in the past. Check if there are any injuries which it may have suffered on its body, so that they can be treated. The vet would guide you through the entire process. Get to know about a nearby vet by means of animal rights organizations.

Make a home for it
Allot a space in your yard or garden where you can keep the dog. If possible make a shed or dog house where the dog would be safe from sun and rain. Making an individual place outside the house would help the dog to get familiar with a house and confinement. Being a stray, suddenly being loved so much and being inside a compound would be difficult to adjust to. Dogs like to mark their presence and a home just for them would help it to get comfortable to its new surroundings.

Food habits and allergies
Food allergies are something which you need to find out by giving the dog different kind of food every day. Give it nutritious and health food, which would build its immunity and not just make it lazy and fat. Pamper your dog with nutritious dog biscuits and make a fixed routine to feed it. Give it a stipulated diet every time you feed it so that he knows when you are going to give him food. Dogs need calcium daily to keep their bones strong. Make sure you feed it with a good dose of calcium through various means every day. This would keep the dog active and healthy.

Toilet training and other habits
If you are adopting a dog for the first time, then you should learn first how to toilet train a dog. If it’s a stray dog then it will be used to untimely habits and may litter in your garden or anywhere it wants. Learn how to train your dog for toilet habits and other hygienic habits. This is very important from your point of view or else you would have to keep cleaning its dirt throughout the day. Understand the dogs’ metabolism and accordingly give it training.

Besides all these things to consider when you adopt a stray dog, you have to make sure you give it unconditional love. You will see how much it will care for you in return. Dogs are highly sensitive and hence treating them with respect is the first thing you have to learn, especially when adopting a stray. You never know what the dog may have gone through in its past and hence making the rest of his life happy should be your aim. You will always get true love in return. Consult a vet for any other dog issues you may have. They will guide you through. An animal welfare organization can also help you if you need it.