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Things You Absolutely Need To Do and Buy Before Your New Puppy Arrives

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The decision to bring the puppy home is just the first step. You need to get your house ready for him. You're going to have lots to do around the house. After all, puppies are not so different from toddlers and like children, will want to explore all areas of your house. This article teaches you how to puppy-proof your house and the essential supplies you need for the new puppy.

Like taking care of a baby, you need to cover all grounds to make sure that your new pup does not get into any accidents that may endanger his life. You need to puppy proof your house and to make sure that it is a safe place for your puppy to explore and run about. Next, you need to get all the essential puppy supplies so that your puppy can settle into his new family as fast as possible.

But how do you know if your house is safe and ready for your new puppy? Listed below is a checklist for you to take note of before you bring your new puppy home:

1. Clean your home of poisonous items - Have you made the effort to clean your house of all possible items that can be cause poisoning to your pup? If you haven't, now is the time to put away cleaners, laundry detergents, bleach, disinfectants, insecticides, cleaning fluid, fertilizers, mothballs and antifreeze in cabinets or high up on shelves. Of course, as he grows, and if he has an adventurous streak, he's sure to jump high on to your shelves to find out what's where.

2. Secure all medications and unauthorized foods - These items will cause food poisoning or damages to your dogs' health - Drugs such as Motrin and Tylenol causes liver damage. Common household food items that are harmful include alcoholic beverages, avocado (the only "fatty" member of the vegetable family), coffee, salt, yeast dough, garlic, fatty foods - turkey, artificial sweeteners ?Xylitol, potatoes, onions, nuts, chocolate, grapes and raisins.

3. Uproot all life-threatening plants - Do you have life-threatening plants at home? Seemingly harmless plants such as apricot pits, spinach and tomato vines are dangerous to your pup. You can find a detailed listing of poisonous houseplants that you might have in your family, at this site:

You can also ask your vet for more such plants that could affect your pet's health and life - If your puppy has ingested poisonous plants, contact: Animal Poison Control Center at - 888-4ANI-HELP - (888-426-4435)

4. Put away dangerous objects - Position electrical cords out of your puppy's reach, so that he cannot chew them. Pick up and keep dangerous loose items such as nails if they are lying around. Keep all sharp objects such as pins, needles, screwdrivers and scissors out of your pup's reach. This is to prevent your puppy from swallowing them as such items can harm his mouth and internal organs.

5. Supervise your puppy's movement - Try to keep your pup within your sight at all times, especially when he is very young. Don't make the mistake of allowing your pup to explore alone, be it indoor or outdoor. Also, remember to keep him away from balconies, upper porches and high decks or he may just slip through the railings and fall. Take note that you should always keep your toilet seat cover down: puppies sometimes like to play in water. Frolicking in the toilet bowl is harmful for him as he may swallow the toilet cleanser. Also, don't tie ribbons round his neck because he may chew it and this can lead to digestive problems or choke himself if the ribbon gets snagged on other things.

Preparing the Essential Dog Supplies

1. Food and water bowls - Select solid and stable bowls that won't tip over when he eats or drinks out of it. Are they easy to clean? Buy two bowls, one for eating and the other for drinking. Initially, buy small bowls and then as he grows older, buy him larger ones. If you do this, he won't develop the habit to overeat for his age nor will he fall into his water bowl whenever he goes to take a drink.

2. Collar - There are a large variety of lightweight collars available for your puppy. No matter which one you choose, attach an identification tag, listing your puppy's name, your address and phone number.

Let his first collar be made of lightweight nylon or leather. In order to buy one that fits well, you should take the time to measure his neck. To do so, measure the circumference of his neck and add two inches to it. To be sure that the collar fits properly, slide two fingers between his collar and your pup's neck. If it's a snug fit, the size is right. But if there's too much space, you need a smaller collar. If your fingers don't fit in comfortably, the collar size is way too small. Be patient with your pup and give him some time to get used to his new collar.

3. Leash - Leashes come in many lengths and styles, such as leather, nylon and retractable leashes. You can choose to buy a longer leash up to six foot, and use it both for walking and training the dog.

It is important to keep your dog leashed unless he is in a close-up area such as a fenced in yard. In many parts of the U.S., leash laws prevail, making it mandatory to keep your puppy on his leash at all times. If your dog is found to be not leashed, you can be fined. Should he soil or defecate in a public space like a park, you will be expected to clean up after him.

4. Grooming supplies - Grooming him means investing in a number of tools but this will depend on the dog breed you buy and his coat length. For short haired breeds, do invest in a brush with natural bristles, a rubber currycomb or a hand mitt. Sturdy wide-toothed metal combs, flea combs and mat splitters are needed for long haired breeds.

5. Toys - To entertain and exercise your pup, buy him a few toys, as this will help him exercise and get over their cravings for chewing. Choose toys specifically designed for pups ?ones that can't be splintered, torn or swallowed. Some of the fun and safe toys to buy include hard rubber balls, nylon chews and rawhide chips. And, if they don't fit comfortably in his mouth, it's not right for him.

6. Recommended puppy food - Give him his essential nutritive foods and get him used to a feeding schedule. Seek advice from your breeder directly or from your veterinarian.

7. Crate or sleeping bed - A Crate is basically a big cage made of metal, plastic or wood. Available in many sizes, the crate should be big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around easily, as well as lie down in. It should be airy. It is recommended to set up your pup's sleeping area in a place where it is warm, comfortable and within your sight. The crate can be your dog's natural den, offering him the extra protection when he left alone. A crate could also be a portable crate enclosed in plastic or a simple wire crate.

When you buy an adult-sized crate, also buy partitions, or place a cardboard box in the back to serve as a cozy space for him. Apart from the crate, set up a sleeping area for him, for the times when you are at home and the crate is not in used. Buy a puppy-sized bed instead of an adult-sized bed, so that he is safe and snug.

A crate when used in the right way promotes good sleeping habits, helps in potty training your dog and discourage undesirable behaviors like nuisance barking and chewing. It can also be a safe confinement for your dog when he's not supervised at home or when you are driving. A crate is so useful, every owner should have one!

8. Stain and scent remover - To take the odor away from his nose, buy a stain and scent remover. This helps in house training and the maintenance of your house cleanliness.

These are the basic essentials a puppy owner should prepare when bringing a brand new pup home. Do take the time to ensure that your house has been 憄uppy-proofed' and you will find that the preparation will make socializing your new puppy a lot easier!