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How Dogs Get Roundworms

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If you have a dog, one thing you need to be informed about are roundworms. Obviously you may be wondering what roundworms are and why they can be such a negative thing for your dog. In essence, roundw...

If you have a dog, one thing you need to be informed about are roundworms. Obviously you may be wondering what roundworms are and why they can be such a negative thing for your dog. In essence, roundworms are tiny worms that have a body that is rounded. Normally, they are somewhere between 3-5 inches in length and they reside in the intestines of a dog, eating food that has been somewhat digested. While they don't stick to the intestine, they do move around in the food and the eggs are passed into the waste of the dog.

Causes of Roundworms

There are a couple of different factors that can contribute to a dog getting roundworms. First of all, puppies who have mothers with roundworms can get roundworms from their mother. Even if the mother didn't even test positive for the worms, if they have ever had them they can still pass them on to their puppies. Roundworms can also be passed to puppies through the milk of their mother too.

Any dog can get struck down with roundworms if they happen to ingested any roundworm eggs. Once they eat the eggs, the worms hatch in their bodies and eventually make their way to the intestines of the dog. There are other animals that can have these roundworms and pass them on to dogs, including earthworms, chickens, cockroaches and rodents.

Treating Roundworms

Fortunately, it is relatively simple to cure roundworms in dogs. There are a couple of great drugs that are available that can be used to help eradicate the roundworms, and they are usually effective and safe for your dog. Most of the drugs work by paralyzing the worms so they can be passed out of the dog in their waste. Most of the time, it will take at least two or three treatments to completely get rid of the roundworms and it is recommended to do these treatments with a few weeks in between them. However, you need to take note that these drugs are not going to eradicate any of the eggs or any immature forms of roundworms either.

Preventing Roundworms

While treating roundworms is possible, it is recommended to prevent your dog from getting roundworms. Your dog can avoid getting roundworms by following these tips:

?Ensure that mothers are dewormed later in their pregnancy so that the worms are not passed on to their puppies.

?When your puppies are 2-3 weeks old you should deworm them, and from then on they should be dewormed on a regular basis.

?Anytime that you detect any type of worm problem, be sure that you instantly treat the problem.

- Always get rid of any dog feces, whether they are in your yard, at a park, or in a playground, to prevent roundworms from transferring from one dog to another.