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Tricks Training: A Must - Learn Boxer Dog Training for your Pet

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Boxer dogs are friendly and lively to their families but very suspicious when it comes to strangers. Their alertness, agility, and strength make them formidable guard dogs and used as service dogs, gu...

Boxer dogs are friendly and lively to their families but very suspicious when it comes to strangers. Their alertness, agility, and strength make them formidable guard dogs and used as service dogs, guide dogs for the blind, therapy dogs, police dogs in K9 units, and occasionally herding cattle or sheep. But do you know that they learn tricks, too, through boxer dog training?

Although boxers are strong in nature, they are natural born clowns, too. They love to please people and enjoy learning and performing tricks that stimulate their mental and physical capabilities. Giving your pet trick training as part of boxer dog training is a way to keep him from inventing its own tricks to play on you.

Like the other types of boxer dog training, trick training demands a lot of patience and frequent sumptuous rewards for the right behaviors. Boxers sometimes lose focus or become bored with tasks they find uninteresting. Teach your dog the focus command before teaching him the trick training, as well as basic obedience skills the tricks are based on. Train only one trick at a time, starting with easy ones, and speed up your training depending on your boxer抯 learning pace.

Here are the easy beginner tricks particularly suited to boxers:

- Shake Hands. To teach your boxer to shake hands, begin with the sit position and get his attention with the focus command. Gently pick up your dog's paw with one hand while giving treat with the other. Praise him whenever he raises his paw in every command and receives its treat.

Do this repeatedly and see how fast your boxer learns. Also teach him to wave and hide his face with his paw once shake hands is mastered. You can even train your boxer to turn light switches on and off with the same basic technique.

- Dance. Dance is a simple boxer dog training trick based on the sit position. Begin by holding a treat above your boxer抯 nose until it jumps up on its hind legs. Say dance and give the toy to the dog while gently taking hold of its front legs. Dance together with him at first, guiding it by holding his front legs while standing balanced on the rear ones.

Do not pull or force your dog to stay in the standing position, simply reward the behavior as it occurs naturally. Eventually, see if he can perform the trick on its own. Then, try teaching beg by encouraging your Boxer to sit while you support his front legs.

- Fetch. This is best trained initially on a long lead. Once focused, toss your pet's favorite toy a few feet away. Say fetch while he runs or jumps to the toy. Praise him after the toy is picked up and when your Boxer brings it to you for further play.

Wait for the toy to be dropped, and praise and reward once again. Once your dog masters it, you can move on to frisbee, as well as teaching him to play hide and seek with specific toys it can learn to identify by name.

The versatility of boxers have been commendable not only for special purposes but also for playing tricks. Tricks training is a must-learn boxer dog training in order for your boxer to be funny and tough at the same time!