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Make this a Happy and Warm Winter for your Dog

29 9:01:23

During the winter your dog would certainly appreciate staying indoors for the extra warmth.?If your dog lives outside though, it is very important for you to provide him with proper care to ensure he stays warm during the colder months.?

During the winter your dog would certainly appreciate staying indoors for the extra warmth.?If your dog lives outside though, it is very important for you to provide him with proper care to ensure he stays warm during the colder months. ?br />
If your dog lives inside with the rest of the family, then he will still need to be taken out for exercise.?Dogs tend to get lazy when the weather turns cold, so you want yours to stay active and healthy.?When you take him out make sure you stay on the lookout for patches of ice and other slippery surfaces.

Buying a special coat for your dog is very useful during the winter.?It will help keep him warm, especially if he is not a long-haired breed that has a bit of natural protection against colder temperatures.?Wearing a coat will not help protect your dog's feet, tail, or ears though, so do not keep him outside for extended periods of time.

People tend to get sick more easily during the winter and the same holds true for canines.?If you notice your dog is displaying unusual signs, get him checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible.?Certain conditions like arthritis also get worse whenever winter rolls around.

Always make sure your dog has a warm place to sleep, whether inside or outside.?There should be plenty of blankets to keep him warm.?This is especially important if your dog does not have a dense undercoat and spends a lot of time outside.

Owners who keep their dog inside will also need to be careful during the winter.?They may have the fireplace or heater going in order to keep everyone warm.?Dogs may end up getting too close to these heat sources and burning themselves.

Needless to say, you will want to prevent this from happening.?Avoid using space heaters and letting your dog roam around because he may accidentally knock it over and start a fire even if he does not burn himself.?If you have baseboard heaters in the room then buy covers to go over them.

Dogs can still get dehydrated when the weather is cold.?Make sure your dog always has a fresh source of water.?If the water bowl is left outside, go out there and check on it occasionally.?It may freeze over and your dog may not be able to drink from it.