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Identifying And Controlling An Aggressive Pet

27 12:05:17
If your pet is aggressive then you probably feel the need to address it in one way or another. Hissing, growling, barking and biting other pets or strangers are all signs that your pet is aggressive.

Instinct pushes animals to protect themselves if they are in need of defending against something that seems threatening. When this happens in your house it can be greatly troubling to you or whomever is visiting. In a worst case scenario, it might even lead to an attack where somebody is injured.

It is easy to tell when a dog is in an aggressive mood. Their body posture changes and they often lower their head with their ears laying back. They might pull their lips back and show their teeth.

Cats are likely to spit, hiss and point their ears forward or sideways. They lower their tail and move it side to side while keeping their butt higher than the rest of their body. It is not uncommon for a cat to crouch when they are in an aggressive mood. If they are getting ready to attack their eyes will be dilated and their claws will be out. Make sure that you are aware of your pets individual warning signs so that you can more easily deal with it's behavior, before the fact.

If you are concerned about your pets aggressive behavior you should talk to your vet so that you are sure there are no physical problems that are causing it. Sometimes pain or discomfort can cause a pet to become edgy.

To avoid aggression as your pet ages you should make sure you properly socialize it. It needs to know that you are the boss or eventually you will be walked all over. Make sure that you expose him/her to various social situations and attending an obedience class can help, greatly.

Certain herbs have been found to help calm your pet down. They are both safe and proven to work. Scullcap and Chamomilla are good for helping your dog or cat to calm down. They have soothing properties that help to lower your pets excitability and stress. Arsen Alb. and Belladonna are of great benefit to pets that are highly sensitive or easily agitated.

Training your dog on a regular basis can help to minimize their aggressiveness. 15 minute sessions conducted several times a day can help your pet mind you much better. This training can be as simple as bringing a few people into your home to get them used to handling themselves around strangers. Also, make sure they are eating a good quality pet food with plenty of nutrients and vitamins in it.