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Coca Cola Or Natural Fruits And Vegetables; What Is Better?

27 12:05:04
People actually believe that they are going to discover a cure, which will condone their lifestyle habits. A common type of illnesses led to is nicotine and alcohol habits, both of which are not needed to live. These two habit forming substances cause illness such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, depression, fatigue, family destruction; the list goes on and on.

All the causes of death of the today's North American culture are not catch-able, but are created by the addicting behaviors that people have been drilled to permit. As these people distance themselves away from alternative medicine, they permit this poisonous habit to delete the very cure that they have been given freely; Life. Science has documented for years the horrible side effects of tobacco and saturated fats on the human anatomy.

Foolishly, the Western World persist to like the toxic life-altering politics. The addicting conventional medicine that alter the ill feeling on the body to feel healthy again, are no different than a lab rat that we control through drugs. Side effects from all these remedies, toxic additives and 'running-in-a-circle-therapies' continue to rise as the tissue tries to tolerate this forced habit.

It should be better suggested to listen to our body and begin to understanding what it normally requires for a long healthy life. The further the population moves from natural remedies, the closer they get to the doctor whom has been trained to treat them as a lab rat. With comments such as 'try this and let me know how you feel', 'most of the time people experience relief' or 'maybe we should refer you to a specialist' and on and on.

Just like a garden that is harvested or animals raised, the body should be given the same respect and attention. Care goes into the quality of the soil or the pet food given, because it is known that this will affect the outcome of both, the plant and animal. There is no way a cat or a flower would tolerate Coca Cola as food, but we do it to our human anatomy and our children. Is this not crazy?

Humans are more intelligent than this and are capable to change this horrible way of living. One of the most important remedies is looking for the nature's way properties that offer a quality of life. Looking at the food sources now available such as organic and whole, the industries are well on their way to a proactive and healthy lifestyle change.

Research has shown that "the closer it is to the natural source the better it is for the body and the fewer steps from the garden to our mouth, the more nutrients it has". Green vegetables and raw fruits are a great source of nutrition and are close to the natural process designed for healthy lifestyle. If only humanity were to advance their efforts and reduce ignorance, the world would eliminate their dependence on these toxic lifestyles.