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Teaching Your Dog Not To Beg With Dog Obedience Training

27 12:04:52
Dog obedience training is critical to the safety of your dog and your own sanity. Dogs cannot resist the smells they are tempted with each day, especially when it is dinner time and that all natural dog food does not smell quite as tasty as the roast that he has smelled all day long. Unfortunately, your dog simply cannot appreciate the effort you have taken to feed him an all natural dog food. If it is dry and does not smell like that roast, he will simply be disappointed. What happens next? Your dog learns how to beg.

Is this the scenario in your home at dinner time? You are sitting at the table and your dog is either at your feet waiting patiently for the littlest crumb to fall, or he is looking at you with those puppy dog eyes with a little whimper. If you let this behavior continue, you will not only be dealing with a begging dog, but you will be dealing with a thief. Before you know it, your cheeseburger you left on the end table will mysteriously disappear when you get up to get a drink.

This is a natural behavior, but must be curbed with dog obedience training as soon as possible. In order to break your dog of this bad habit, you must be patient and consistent. Be sure that everyone in your household understands the rules and are consistent. It is way too easy to give in to those sweet little puppy dog eyes. Therefore, make it very clear that this must be done or your dog will suffer because he will be getting in trouble for something he does not understand. If you are following through with the dog obedience tips to eliminate begging, while your six year old is sneaking him table scraps, your dog will become confused.

The best thing you can do is to prevent begging by never feeding him table scraps. If you are like many families, it is very hard to resist his cute little face and wagging tail. If it makes you feel better to give him a few table scraps here and there, then be sure to feed it to him in his own bowl. This is very important. Remember to only feed him all natural food that is not considered dangerous to his health. What may be healthy to humans could be fatal to your dog. Be sure to do your research.

If the begging has already started in your home, here are some steps to help you break the bad habit of begging. Dog obedience training is an important tool for teaching your dog to stop begging. Teaching your dog the dog obedience command "Down" is essential to your success of training your dog to stop begging. Make him lie down next to your chair or in a specific spot away from the table. It will take some reinforcing, but this dog training method will eventually be learned, and he will lie down or remain in his spot during dinner.

It is important to praise him after you release him from his spot. Offer him one of his all natural dog treats, and he will begin to understand that he will get his all natural dog treat or all natural dog food after dinner. If you decide to feed him table scraps as a snack here and there, this is the time to put it in his bowl. Never feed him from the table.

It is extremely important to be consistent. Dog obedience training can be tough to stick to at first, but the rewards will be worth it. Your dog will be happier because you are happier with not having to scold him anymore.