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Attention Dog Owners - Dog Diarrhea Cures

27 12:04:35
Digestive upsets are relatively commonplace in animals. Do you know what to do to keep your dog in good digestive health? Do you know what to do when they are suffering from diarrhea? This article examines dog diarrhea cures.


Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency and looseness of bowel movements. Dogs can suffer from diarrhea for a wide variety of reasons. The vast majority are trivial, but diarrhea can be a sign of something more serious. You can help your dog avoid diarrhea in the first place by making sure that he or she avoids the following:

* Food cooked for human consumption. So no leftovers please!
* Fatty foods
* Processed food filled with additives
* Low quality pet food
* Junk food
* Chocolate and sugary food
* Milk and dairy
* Onions
* Moldy food and garbage

Instead feed your dog on premium pet food. Have a good mix between dry food and soft food. Provide plenty of clean fresh water and change it every day. Consider giving your dog a daily digestive health supplement as this will help maintain healthy digestive functioning.


Even sticking to the above rules, diarrhea can still strike your dog. Stick to the following plan when this does happen:

* Use a herbal dog diarrhea cure to sooth the digestive tract and firm up
stool formation
* Do not feed your dog for about twelve hours
* Make sure that they have plenty of clean fresh water in that time
* Introduce a bland diet after 12 hours and feed in small but frequent
* If the diarrhea lasts for more than 24 hours seek veterinary treatment

Most cases of diarrhea can be treated at home, but if your dog is unwilling to move, is very young, or the diarrhea is very severe, then seek veterinary advice immediately.

Digestive problems in dogs are very common so you should be prepared for when they happen. With these guidelines for dog diarrhea cures you can hopefully avoid it more often but also treat it quickly and effectively when it does occur.