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How To Care For Your English Bulldogs

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Care is extremely important in keeping english bulldogs healthy and happy. These dogs have special needs thus knowledge on how to care for them is a big factor that can contribute to their well-being.

Like most dogs with brachycephalic skull, english bulldogs are temperature sensitive. They can suffer from heat stroke very easily during summer months and can get cold very easily during colder months. To prevent heat stroke, english bulldogs should not be taken out during a hot day especially if the temperature exceeds 90 degrees. It is important to keep them cool enough by placing them into a cool room with unlimited water to drink.

During winter months, they should not be kept for extended periods of time in an area in which the temperature is 60 degrees or less. While outside, they can also be kept warm by using sweater or sweatshirt and doggie booties.

And like most dogs, exercise is necessary for this breed as well. Although they will do okay without a yard, they still need to be taken on daily walks to fulfill their primal instinct to walk. And besides, an english bulldog if not properly exercised could gain weight easily and may later cause health problems that has something to do with the lungs and heart. You may also want to keep an eye on health issues such as cherry eye, certain allergies and hip issues among the older ones. These health issues, though known to affect many english bulldogs, can be treated and prevented.

Feeding the dog properly is also one of the most important things every dog owner should learn. Dogs should be fed with high quality and very nutritional foods since poor quality dog foods are made mostly of fillers and may cause excess defecating, clean up and poor health.

Grooming english bulldogs may not be very difficult. Their smooth, fine, short-haired coat needs to be combed and brushed with a firm bristle brush. Bathing should be done only when necessary but when its time to bath you need to gather everything you will need such as shampoo, Q tips, cotton balls, wash cloth and towel. The teeth must be brushed around three times a week.

And don't forget that english bulldogs love human attention. So give them lots of what they want - your love and attention.