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Communicating for Better Westie Training

26 10:38:27

Dogs are truly capable of being learned in our language terms and commands. And this is a huge boost to a westie training, and practically all dog training out there. By now you must have seen yourself how you would use "sit" or "down" when talking to somebody else, only to see your own dogs sitting or lying near you, waiting for release!

The dogs actually know what words are for, and they do pay attention to us when we just "talk to them." But more importantly, they are even more attuned to how we feel. This simply means that the "universal" people-dog language is actually love, understanding and care. Even dogs that do not have much experience with verbal language will want to be open to the least bit of understanding. Is it the words? Apparently not, since it musty be the overall "sense" you are communicating, the universal language you are getting across.

>From the point of view of the dog, westie training starts with the dog's groping for your possible intent in saying something. Then they attempt a connection between the word, your intent, and what they were doing. It is much like dog training actually: you get them to repeat an action, then you attach a word to it. But of course it will take awhile before your dog makes that critical connection.

The universal language definitely comes from within, for sure. It bypasses and is able to surpass all normal modes of communicating. Since it is true that the eyes are windows to the soul, dogs are the most able when it comes to using the eyes to fish for components of that universal language. Then it becomes easier to understand when some people claim their dog even has a seventh, or an eighth, or a ninth sense. How much more will the dog's sensitivity be refined with westie training!

Dogs are also no strangers when it comes to reading the busy language of his human family members (and even those outside his family). The same goes for voice intonation. But let's go back to this communication by touch. In the confusion of some typical roughhousing, you will notice your dog undergo a change if you adjust the pressure of your hand. Believe it or not, your dog can "understand" the feelings you are feeling, plus more!