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Sheltie Training to Resolve the Notorious Barker Pet

26 10:38:10

Shelties, or shetland sheepdogs, are known first of all for that sunny yet sensitive disposition. The handsome coat colors round up the picture of a dog that is a wonder to own. But sheltie owners are also aware of the breed's downsides, which is nearly always topped by the vice of full-bodied barking.

Indeed this is the breed of notorious barkers! But there is nothing that cannot be resolved through careful training. Check out the following sheltie training steps on how to stop nuisance barking.

1. Management - during the training of the dog to stop unwanted barking, the dog's environment needs to be managed in such a way that the opportunity to practice the unwanted habit is essentially crowded out. For example, if the dog is in the habit of barking at the door when you are about to leave, the solution can be to put them in a crate and put them in another room, or to have another family member put them in a leash and take them elsewhere. You yourself must not aggravate the behavior by yelling, raising your voice, or getting stressed.

2. Leadership - Leadership is absolutely essential for a healthy happy relationship with your dog. All dogs and all people will need to tackle social status and social order, in one way or another. A dog that sees its family sees a pack, and will try to figure our who is the alpha leader. Without one, it will try to assume that leadership (ergo, more aggressive behavior), but this leads to a generally unhappy dog. On the other hand, dogs are happier and are more confident (and less likely to be alarmed) and more receptive to your commands if you provide clear leadership.

3. Training - Your dog can actually be trained to bark on cue, and in the same way can be trained to keep quiet on cue, with the help of clicker training.

Here is how to start with sheltie training using clickers:

1. Prepare your clicker and some really irresistible treats (don't let the dog see them, otherwise it is distracted). Trigger the barking. While the dog is barking, click and promptly give the dog a goodie.

2. As the dog takes in the treat, make a hushing motion with your other hand, right to the dog's face, and make the 揝hhh?sound. The dog will look as if you really have its attention now. Click that expression, move your hand away, and treat. (Before you ask it, no, this training will not lead the dog to bark in order to extort treats from you; just follow the step by step instructions!)

3. When the barking starts again, click during a bark and give a treat. As the dog swallows, make the hushing cue, click and give treat. Repeat the sequence every time the dog barks.

4. As the "Shhh" cue starts to work, your dog will want to keep its mouth closed, in anticipation of the next click and treat!

5. If you want to train the dog for the "speak" command, then follow these. The next time the dog barks, say to once "Speak!", and click. Then instead of a treat, give the "Shhh" cue, and then give a click and treat for the resulting silence. Now you are instilling two cues in the dog. As it learns "Speak", it may make just about any noise. Eventually, just click every time it "woofs."

6. The new cues are sure to become permanent if you keep have the clicker and treats within reach. Reinforce "Speak" and "Shhh" anytime the dog barks, for the next coming days.

7. Soon, you are ready to use the "Speak" cue for your dog's repertoire of sheltie training tricks. The "Shhh" cue will come in handy to stop unwanted barking.