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Eliminating Pet Smells - 3 Ways to Get Rid of Odor Caused by Pets

26 9:51:02
If you share your home with a bird, cat, dog, ferret or other warm-blooded pet, you know first hand what a big and wonderful part of the family they are. What can also be big but not so wonderful is the odor.

Sometimes the smells are unique to your pet, and sometimes they are odors that come from inappropriate elimination or urine odor. Here are 3 ways to clear the air in your home for good, so that the only way you know you have a pet is when you see it!

1. Keep your pet clean. Procedures for proper hygiene are quite different and depend on the type of pet you have. Procedures can even differ if you have 2 dogs that are different breeds. Check with your vet to see how often you should bathe your pet, and what products are appropriate.

Pets like being clean too. Being consistent about its hygiene can make a huge difference in how it feels and how your home smells; and will improve their overall quality of life. And obviously a clean pet can't help but make your home smell better.

2. Clean up after your pet. Constant cleaning of your bird's cage or the cat's litter box is an important and effective step toward odor elimination. This greatly reduces the chances of parasitic growth and infections in your pets because of them.

It also eliminates the odors that can result from day old droppings. And it will also encourage your pet, particularly cats, to use the litter box.

If your pet should make a mistake and go on the carpet, rug, floor, or furniture; Clean the spot by saturating it with water. Then remove as much moisture as possible with a wet and dry vacuum cleaner. If this is unsuccessful and your pet still shows interest in returning the scene of the crime, a professional cleaning may be in order.

3. Clean the air. As much as you may try, some pet smell is inevitable. Keeping the air clear of smells can only be accomplished by filtering the air with an air cleaner that is specifically designed to remove not only pet odor but hair, fur, and pet dander too.

Using a purifier that is safe and is able to run 24 hours a day keeps the air in your home fresh and clean all the time. If the unit also contains a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air filter, it can also remove normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses as small as.3 microns.

Putting these 3 tips to good use means you'll come home to find welcoming pet and a home that is pet free of odor too!