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Nourishing the Chicks Caring for the Chickens

26 9:41:03
Do not nourish chicks for forty-eight hours following hatching poultry. The fact is, you could safely wait until they are 72 hours of age previous to giving them their first meal. Nature has provided for nutrition during this period and it is wise not to change things.

It is healthier for youngsters to begin drinking sour milk. Allow them to have sour milk to drink wholly for the primary 10 days at least, and give it to them all through life, if this fantastic food drink is obtainable.

As chicks eat so little throughout this period, as calculated by pounds, 1 is fully justified in paying a somewhat high cost for each pound for this special feed that could give them a strong, energetic start and put their digestive organs in proper condition to effectively make use of cheaper foodstuff as soon as food consumption becomes heavy.

The ideal baby chick foodstuff comprise of a range of food so blended as to supply, in right quantity, the nutrients needed to build flesh, bone and feather. It is ground extremely well so it may possibly be consumed liberally and yet not tax the digestive organs.

For the first day or two, nourish chicks exclusively at intervals of two to three hours. In the beginning, spread the feed upon a shingle or piece of board. Afterward place it in little troughs or shallow dishes. Let the chicks eat a sufficient amount, what they could eat in twenty to thirty minutes, then remove it from the chicken coops. Give a bit of fine, bright grit throughout this time.

The second or third day following feeding has begun, remove a meal or two of the baby chick food and instead sprinkle a little regulation chick feed scratch dry feed in the litter near the chicken coops. There are numerous good brands of such livestock nutrition feed presented.

At the beginning of the second week the scratch dry feed may be given thrice each day, simply the amount they would clean up and hunt for more, and the baby chick food left in open hoppers or dishes to which the chicks may run at will. By this time, as well, grit may possibly carefully be left in open hoppers before the flock.

And if milk is not supplied generously it is well to supply a few other animal food on a daily basis. Fine fish scrap or beef scrap梐t all times of high quality梞ay well be fed in moderation in troughs or on pieces of board. Do not feed too much of this stuff. If bowel problem develops, lower the quantity of animal food. The quantity supplied may be increased steadily when the youngsters increase in size.