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The Most Effective Ways Of Preventing Dog Bite

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Research has proved that over four million people are bitten by dogs every single year? As canines are ought to be man's best friend, they can cause injuries ranging from a tooth mark on the skin to other severe injuries. Here are the following dog bite prevention methods that can help you and your love ones avoid becoming one of these statistics.

In case you see an unknown dog that you would like to pet, you will need to ask the owner of the dog for permission first. Approach the pet gently and let him or her sniff your hand first. Note that any canine that is resting alone, inside a fence or car, or alone with children should not be petted as t the dog may want to protect its property or family and attack and hurt you.

The second thing you should note in dog bite prevention is if a dog is sleeping, drinking or eating then it should never be bothered. This is a common reason for dog bites to occur due to the pet being startled or securing their bed or food.

Thirdly, if you see dogs fighting, do not rush in and try to separate one of them away. dogs can become so enraged that they can blindly turn around and attack you instead. If you will to separate them at all, then distracting both of the dogs by spraying them with water, making a loud noise, by throwing an object on them, etc.

To prevent dog bite, you should never run from a canine as this triggers their instinct to chase, and guess what? You probably will not win the race. Instead, freeze and avoid eye contact. This will often cause the pet to become bored with you and eventually let you go.

Various forms of aggressive play can lead to dog bite. Games such as tugging, teasing or chase can encourage aggression. Therefore there are advisable. Playing keep away with a treat may appear cute until the pet becomes frustrated and bites in retaliation.

Finally, children should be supervised when around a dog. Their fast movements and loudness can cause your puppy to become upset and bite. Make sure you teach your children on how they can prevent themselves from dog bite, as they often want to quickly run up to unknown dogs and pet them.