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The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Raw Green Tripe

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When you adopt a dog, it becomes part of the family. He will depend on you just as your children do for proper nutrition. It抯 pretty easy to just buy a bag of dog food; however is it the best thing for him to eat? Dog food manufacturers claim that their food will guarantee a long and happy life. However when you consider all the facts, you will likely stay clear of the packaged foods on the market today.

Feeding your dog a healthy diet will enable him to live a long and happy life; everyone agrees on that. However, there are a lot of commercial dog foods on the market today that claim their food is the best thing to feed your dog. In reality it is not. Commercial dog foods contain grains and fillers that can actually shorten your dog抯 life. Dogs were around a lot longer then commercial dog food manufacturers, what do you suppose they ate?

Feeding your dog raw dog food is the healthiest type of food you can feed him. One of the best types of raw dog food is raw green tripe. It is the number one raw dog food choice used by owners of show dogs and breeders.


As many people know, tripe is the stomach lining of animals such as cows, sheep, goats and deer, basically anything that has four hooves, four chambers in their stomach and eats grass.

Feeding your dog raw green tripe, while not appealing to humans, will have your dog jumping for joy when it is time to eat.

While raw green tripe may be one of your dogs favorite foods, finding it can be difficult. The tripe that is sold in grocery stores is processed using bleach and may be scalded before preparing for human consumption. You do not want to feed this type of tripe to your dog because it has no nutritional value and may cause him to become sick. Fresh raw green tripe is the most natural raw dog food you can feed him.

Green tripe is not called that because it is green in color. It refers to the fact that it is untouched. It is not cleaned or bleached. The color is usually brown and can have a green tint to it from the grass the animal has eaten.

The nutritional value of green tripe for dogs is incredible; because of the enzymes from the animals it comes from is still in the raw green tripe, it helps in your dog抯 digestion when he eats it. There are also bacteria in the enzymes that kill the bad bacteria in the digestive track of your dog making digestion much easier.

Raw green tripe for dogs is also great for keeping their teeth clean, and it helps to strengthen their jaws and the muscles in their neck.

Your dog depends on you to make the right decisions for feeding him. Choosing raw green tripe will give him the nutrition he needs to live a long and healthy life.