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Dog Training Instructions On Housebreaking A Puppy

26 9:02:06
You have brought home your new puppy, all is set but there is one thing still pending?where will it eliminate? Housebreaking a puppy is simple ?if you remain patient. One thing that you should always keep in mind is that puppies will learn and master a new behavior quicker if he is taking the orders right from you ?its master.

Where the puppy is supposed to be eliminating ought to be a straight forward lesson that your puppy is taught immediately it is brought to its new home. To make housebreaking easy and less tiresome, you should do like most dog owners do, teaching new puppies to eliminate on their puppy pads. Thus you should ensure you have a good supply of puppy pads at home before you bring your puppy home. Once the puppy arrives, ensure the puppy pads are located in the strategic areas where you expect the puppy to be eliminating, take your puppy directly to the pad, let him sit on the pad and praise him for that. Let him sniff on the pad and pick its scent so he could get a positive association with the puppy pad. Ensure the puppy remains on the pad long enough to know its strategic location.

The first step involved in housebreaking a puppy using a puppy pad entails teaching it what you want it to do in the pad, and then helping it understand how to do so each time. When doing this, you should use positive reinforcement. You should also teach yourself how to read signs such as when your pup needs to use the bathroom ?common signs include turning around often or sniffing. When your pup exhibits such behaviors, or every morning after he drinks or takes his breakfast, you should carry him to the pad, place him on the pad and wait for it to eliminate. The first time he eliminates there, and every other time afterwards, you should shower him with praises as if he just did the most wonderful thing in the world.

It is to be noted that even with the handiness that comes with using a puppy pad to toilet train your puppy, accidents do happen sometimes. It is the manner in which you handle the accident that will determine how far you will go with your house training efforts. Thus, when your puppy eliminates somewhere not intended, communicate a firm 憂o?and carry him straight onto the pad during the act. Once on the pad and continues to eliminate, you should shower him with praises so you do not communicate a negative link with the pad that could make him afraid of the pad. Ensure you always communicate a consistent message each time you are house training your pup and soon enough he will learn eliminating on the pad is the right way to go about it. Always encourage him to repeat it over and over again and within no time you will succeed in house training your puppy.

For more great information on housebreaking a puppy, visit