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4 Reasons Your Pooch May Have Bad Breath

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4 Reasons Your Pooch May Have Bad Breath

Bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis, is caused by odor producing bacteria. Interestingly, bad breath not only may indicate poor dental hygiene it can also mean that your dog may be having other medical issues including – but  not limited to – liver, kidney, diabetes or gastrointestinal problems. As makers of NuVet Plus we care about canine health and felt  that our readers might be curious about this topic, especially if you have noticed the condition in your own four-legged companion. Continue reading to learn more about the causes of bad breath in dogs.

Dental problems

For most dog owners the obvious cause for Fido's bad breath is dental problems. Like their human family, dogs are susceptible to many of the same issues that humans face when it comes to dental issues:

Oral disease

Masses and tumors can form in the mouth just like they can in other parts of a dog's body. Sometimes these can result in bad breath. Regularly checking your dog's mouth is a good way to make sure that nothing abnormal may be developing in your dog's mouth.

Periodontal disease

Usually the result of bacteria that builds up to form a material called plaque, periodontal disease leads to gingivitis. If the plaque is not removed the disease is allowed to progress, which can lead to a host of other problems including tooth loss and even damage to internal organs as the bacteria spreads.


Not an issue for older dogs – puppies that are teething will often produce unpleasant breath, which can easily be treated with good dental hygiene and high quality chew toys and treats.
Kidney problems

Kidney issues can produce bad breath as well. Often, a dog experiencing kidney problems will have significantly bad breath and in some instances a may even have breath that smells like urine.  Kidney disease is a very serious condition. If you suspect that your dog may be experiencing kidney issues see your vet right away.

Liver problems

Liver problems are often very serious and warrant an immediate trip to the veterinarian. Symptoms not only include foul smelling breath but also will often be accompanied with vomiting. Your dog's eyes and teeth may also have a yellow tinge to them.


Although not considered terribly unpleasant, diabetes is another cause for what some may consider bad breath. A dog that may have diabetes will often have fruity or sweet smelling breath. You will probably also notice an increase in drinking and urination with your pooch.  Again checking in with  the veterinarian is required in order to rule out this serious condition.

Bad Nutrition

A dog receiving a low-quality diet or a pup that is regularly fed a lot of table food may experience bad breath. One way to prevent this is to make sure your dog is getting a high quality food specifically formulated for dogs.  A daily vitamin, like NuVet Plus, can also ensure that your dog is receiving proper nutrition.

Sinus Issues

Often, when a dog is experiencing blocked sinuses, allergies or other sinus related issues it is not uncommon for bad breath to follow. If you know an allergy is causing trouble for your pooch remove the allergen from his  environment. If you suspect Fido may  have a cold or other issue check-in with your vet.

Other reasons

Aside from what is listed above, it is possible for other things to result in your dog having bad smelling breath. Medications, certain snacks (usually the wrong kinds) and even cancer can cause bad breath. If you are uncertain what is causing your dog's breath odor, contact your vet.  

If you notice plaque, bad breath, excessive salivating or any other strange behavior affecting your four-legged friend's mouth make sure to check in with your veterinarian or veterinary dentist.

NuVet Labs cares about keeping your canine family healthy, which includes proper dental care. So when adding to or revamping your pup's oral hygiene regimen why not consider adding a healthy vitamin supplement like NuVet Plus to his routine? A healthy daily practice of NuVet Plus will give Fido a stronger immune system as well as a lustrous coat while daily tooth brushing will provide your pooch with healthier teeth, gums and fresher smelling breath.