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What Is The Best Aquarium For Saltwater Fish

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If you are planning to start a saltwater tank then it is important to keep a few things in mind before you purchase your aquarium. Listed in the paragraphs below are a few facts that will help you buy the best aquarium for saltwater fish.

Dissolved oxygen is an important factor when choosing an aquarium for saltwater fish. The levels of dissolved oxygen are lesser in saltwater aquariums. Therefore, it is important to choose an aquarium with more surface area to allow exchange of gases. The levels of dissolved oxygen are lowest in tropical marine aquarium, s so you will need to choose an aquarium with adequate surface area if you are opting for a tropical marine aquarium. Rectangular aquariums provide the maximum surface area while hexagon aquariums that have uneven sides provide the least surface area. Square aquariums are also good choices for saltwater fish.

While choosing a good aquarium for saltwater fish it is important to remember that medium sized saltwater fish require 38 square inch space at the minimum and your aquarium should be large enough to provide the required space. If you are planning an aquarium for predators or aggressive fish you will need to buy a bigger tank to ensure that the weaker fish have enough room to get away from the dominating fish.

While choosing an aquarium based on the materials used to manufacture the aquarium it is important to note that acrylic aquariums make good choices for smaller marine fish. If you are planning to start a larger community aquarium, or keep aggressive fish like Trigger fish then a glass aquarium will be the best aquarium for your saltwater fish since acrylic aquariums are available in limited sizes. While choosing a glass aquarium it is crucial to remember that the thickness of the glass is an important factor while choosing an aquarium. The thickness of the glass for a 36 inch aquarium should be at least 1/4 inch and the thickness of the glass for a 48 inch aquarium should be at least 1/2 inch.

If you are planning to keep the saltwater aquarium as a show tank then the best option would be to purchase a molded tank that does not use silicone to stick the glass together. Molded aquariums are available in various sizes and are pleasing to the eye.

While choosing the best aquarium for saltwater fish it is important to remember that metal corrodes when exposed to saline water. It is best to avoid buying an aquarium that has a metal roof or canopy. Acrylic, plastic and glass canopies are best suited for saltwater aquariums.