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Have An Adventure Not Just A Vacation In The Bahamas

28 12:05:12
Start thinking of vacations as not just times to unwind but as times to participate in things you have never done or don't get the opportunity to do. Making one's vacation an adventure instead of just a vacation will also make it more memorable and create stories that will be told for a lifetime. Don't just go lie around on the beach, plan some exciting activities that will get your blood flowing and the adrenaline rushing. Here are a few ideas for some adventurous activities available in the Bahamas.

At the top of the list of spine tingling adventures we may as well get it out of the way, diving with sharks. That's right, you take a five hour dive with Caribbean Reef Sharks and you will even get to watch them feed, hopefully not on you! Seriously, there are four sites where you can dive with the sharks and they all have excellent safety records. I would not suggest that you attempt to recreate this scenario on your own, the professionals who run these shark feeding tours have years of experience and are also familiar with shark behavior so they recognize when the sharks may be getting too aggressive. Of course this trip is only available if you are dive certified, which can also be done in the Bahamas.

If you love the water but either don't want to get dive certified or would rather opt for something less expensive, you can always go for a snorkeling adventure. Snorkeling in the Bahamas is a rare treat with the clear blue waters it seems like you can see forever. There are many coral reefs and diverse marine life to be seen and it will give you the chance to swim with hundreds, if not thousands of beautifully colored fish. As with diving, always go with a partner.

Another cool adventure that you can take is the Sub adventure. This is an alternative for those who may be a little apprehensive about getting in the water and being exposed to direct interaction with the marine life. In this tour you will get an orientation on submarines where you learn the fundamental skills necessary to pilot a sub as well as the procedures for communication. After these basic instructions are done you will be taken for a submarine trip in shallow depths of around fifteen feet or so and be able to view coral reefs filled with tropical fish of many different colors while enjoying a safe climate controlled environment. This is an exciting adventure that will give you fond memories to take back home and make you want to come back.