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How To Care For A Flowerhorn Fry

28 12:02:32
Flowerhorns are categorized as decorative tropical fish, which are spawned in the aquarium and cannot be found in the wild. They are characterized with their vibrant colors and head protuberance. These freshwater fish were originally bred in Taiwan and Hawaii by hybridizing various cichlids from South America. According to Taiwanese legend, flowerhorns can bring wealth to those who take good care of them. However, most aquarists, breeders and fish lovers believe that the wealth brought by flowerhorns is happiness and self-fulfillment.

Would you like to care for baby flowerhorn? Then you are reading the right article. In the succeeding paragraphs, you will discover the ways on how to do it.

Flowerhorns need at least 2 feedings a day and must be provided with a diet enabling for optimal protein absorption, which promotes proper growth of their nuchal hump. However, when feeding flowerhorn fry, you need to offer only the amount which the fish can consume within a 5-minute period.

By nature, flowerhorns are carnivorous and prefer live feed of meat, which includes shrimps and small fish. By feeding the fish with thawed frozen prawns or shrimps 3 or 4 times a week, you will be able to see a dramatic change in them instantly. These invertebrate sea foods can be effortlessly absorbed by the fish and are very nutritious as well due to their saturated fat content. However, don't ever dare to feed them with mammal fats and flesh since they cannot be digested easily.

Mealworms and blood worms are another well-known feeds put up for sale in the aquarium shops in Singapore. To increase the said insects' nutritional value and size, they are enhanced with color enhancers, which are designed to make the colors of the fish vibrant and to increase its nuchal hump's size. Apart from those, earthworms also make a good food to flowerhorns because they are nutritious and rich in essential minerals that can contribute to the fast growth of the fish. To keep your fish healthy, feed them with earthworms once or twice every week.

Protein-rich processed feed is also highly recommended to use along with other live feeds and meat since they contain a high level of color enhancer and other safe chemicals that are perfectly designed for tank fish. It is also important to examine the quality of the commercial feed to ensure the flowerhorn's safety. This can be done by checking the ingredient list to make certain that the food has no less than 48% of fish protein from fish sources like cod, salmon, and herring.

Also, there must be a proper amino acid and protein formula to allow the fish to consume as much ingredients as possible. The commercial feed should also contain Vitamins C, E, A and B12 in order to strengthen the flowerhorns' immune system and improve their ability to reproduce. When it is feeding time, have the flakes sprinkled close to a filter or power head, so they are well-distributed by the flow of water to all the aquarium areas.

However, bear in mind that experts don't advise replacing live feed with such foods, as various chemical overdose will be hazardous to the fish. Therefore, there must be a balance between commercial fish food and natural food.

Now that you already know the proper ways on how to feed your fish, it is time to discover other essential aspects on how to care for baby flowerhorn.

Bear in mind that this fish breed is territorial and aggressive in nature, so don't every dare to keep another fish breed with it. However, if you want to keep two fish breeds in the same water tank, the tank must be partitions to prevent them from killing each other or fighting for survival. This is actually one of the most effective techniques to ensure the production of multiple baby flowerhorns in just a short period of time. By keeping a female and male fish in the same water tank separated by a translucent plastic divider, they will be able to get accustomed with each other prior to removing the divider for a closer contact.

Would you like to take your flowerhorn breeding to the next level? Then why don't you try to be a competition breeder? If you experience a great self-fulfillment by just watching your flowerhorns, you will experience more when you compete with other breeders because that is where the real fun and excitement comes in. To increase your chances of winning, you need to use mirrors because it is proven that flowerhorns display their best colors the moment they become agitated. Upon seeing their reflection in the mirror, they will look their best. Apart from putting mirrors in the water tank, it is also ideal to put fake plants to make your flowerhorns feel that they are on their natural habitat.

These are just some of the ways on how to care for baby flowerhorn. Do them now!