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Fish Tank Supplies Your Fish Will Thank You For Getting

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Anyone who has been involved in the aquarium hobby for any amount of time realizes that aquariums cannot properly be maintained without the proper materials and accessories. Some items are only bought during the initial setup of your tank. Proper long-term care for fish and their aquatic environments requires some supplies be purchased on a fairly regular basis. Filter media, test strips, and light bulbs are just a few of the fish tank supplies in high demand by people in this hobby!

Some media for aquarium filters last quite a long time or can be reused with a little bit of effort. This includes bio balls and coarse sponge meshes. These sources of biological filtration depend on the bacteria that take up residence in order to work effectively. If they become clogged, just a simple swish in lukewarm water will allow them to be reused for another month. Other filter media such as filter floss are and activated carbon inserts are best when used once and replaced. Try to buy such fish tank supplies in bulk online to save money over time.

Test strips are used to monitor the levels of important chemicals and parameters in your aquarium. Basic test kits will include strips for pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and water hardness. These levels are important to monitor regularly to ensure their levels are within the range safe for your fish. Generally nitrites and ammonia should be zero, but nitrates are tolerable in higher amounts. If you ensure that any test kit you buy has a good supply of strips, you won't find yourself buying these test kits too often!

Light bulbs can be very important to the overall health of your aquarium and its inhabitants, especially if you have a good number of live plants. Though your light bulbs will seem to stay bright for years, they likely need replacing every 6 to 10 months - or sooner if they actually burn out. After this amount of time, they generally do not actually produce light in the specific spectrum they were designed for, and your plants and fish may suffer because of this. It is easy to forget when to replace the lighting in your aquarium, but if you mark it on your calendar, you will remember - and your fish and plants will thank you!