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The Secret Behind Marine Fish

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Marine fish are not house-trained animals, and will pursue their survival instincts in the tank, just as they do in the ocean. Marine fish inhabit oceans, narrow bay, tidal pools or salt marshes. Almost all species of marine fish are wild caught .Marine fish are more colorful than tropical freshwater fish, but also require more care and attention.

Tropical fish generally have very specific temperature requirements. tangs are a popular species of marine aquarium fish Compatibility. All marine fish are tanked for a specified period of time for acclimation, in proper water parameters ,under specific conditions to allow the easiest adaptation to aquarium life. Marine fish are the hardest of all fish to keep. Most species of marine fish are sensitive to water conditions and do not adapt easily to a new aquarium, it is recomended to add the fish only after the aquarium has been functioning for a long time.

Fish that are reef safe are not use to nip at corals and anemones, and also do not usually eat crustaceans that may be kept in a reef tank, such as sea stars. Marine fish, also known as saltwater fish, require a simulated oceanic environment in the aquarium. There are nearly 15,000 species of marine fish or saltwater fish, many of them are not compatible in the same tank. For this reason, the compatibility of different species and genders within species needs to be checked before multiple fish are introduced to a tank. Triggerfish, for example, may eat small gobies and other species, while Clownfish are likely to attack others of the same gender if one of the opposite genders is present. There are many differences between tropical freshwater fish and saltwater fish that may not be obvious to the beginner aquarist. Marine fish even more complicated to keep and maintain are tropical marine fishes.

There are many differences between tropical freshwater fish and saltwater fish that may not be obvious to the newly aquarist. Marine fish even more complicated to keep and maintain are tropical marine fishes.

Marine fish are more colorful then tropical freshwater fish, they are also more sensitive to water quality then tropical freshwater fish. In most cases saltwater fish or marine fish are cost more then freshwater fish. In general, marine fish consider being hard to keep and maintain while freshwater fish are easier to keep.

Many of these fish also like tanks on their own so if you dream of having a well stocked tank with a multitude of species make sure you know which fish will live happily together before you put them in a tank.