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Why Dog Health Care Or Cat Health Care Could Help Your Child Become Responsible

28 12:09:27
Many parents are reluctant to let their children get a pet because they fear that once the novelty of their child's new furry friend wears off it'll be them left looking after it and taking care of all the dog health care or cat health care. For this reason, few children ever get much more than a goldfish and the novelty of one of those is very short lived.

Harassed parents shouldn't necessarily be so quick to deny their children the pet they so want though. In order to mature and become responsible adults, children need to be given increasing responsibility as they get older. This may be in the shape of expecting them to make their own bed, do their own washing or take responsibility for a younger sibling when playing out together. But, actually, one of the greatest ways to teach responsibility is through pet health care.

If the nagging has got too much and you can see past the negatives of finding pet hair on your sofa, then now is the time to sit down and have a frank discussion with the child about the realities of cat health care or dog health care. Ask who will walk the dog or who will clean the cat litter tray? Make it very clear to your child that they are talking about a commitment that may last more years than they have already been alive: ten or fifteen years is an incomprehensible amount of time for an eight year old.

If you aren't convinced that your child is ready for the responsibility, then make a compromise. Tell them you'd like to see them care for a goldfish for a few months before you commit to years of dog health care or cat health care. The cleaning routine associated with goldfish is notoriously hard work for a pet that is considered so boring, so only the most committed and determined children will prevail.

We often read in the press that today's children are depressed, lacking control and unhealthy: they spend less time outside and are more smothered by close parenting than any generation before them. This simply means that giving them something to be responsible for could really boost responsibility, self confidence and, if it's a dog, health levels. Letting your child take on some responsibility for cat health care or dog health care could be a real positive. Just remember that it'll be up to you to make sure there is enough money and space to keep the pet.