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Top 10 Food Items A Lifestyle Entrepreneur Can Consume In 2013

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Entrepreneurs are very busy people. However, if you’re a businessperson, it doesn’t mean that you can ignore your health. Always keep in mind that health is wealth. If you are a physically fit and healthy person, you can do whatever you want.
It is important that you determine the top 10 food items a lifestyle entrepreneur, like you, can consume in 2013.
The picture of most ignorant businessmen is someone with a big belly, like that of a six or eight-month pregnant woman. You must be aware that the shape of your body is dependent on food habits.
Just imagine skipping breakfast followed by fast-food and high fat lunch early in the afternoon. Later in the evening, you will consume a large meal before going to bed.
It is seldom for a busy person like you to have nutritious snacks or fruits. If you have unhealthy eating habits, you will also be at risk of high insulin levels, elevated cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Hence, now is the perfect time to introduce changes in your diets.
The Top 10 Foods to Eat
The following are some of the best food items you can include in your diet:
1. Pork � It would be best to stick with lean meat. Pork is a great source of niacin, zinc, choline, biotin, and B-vitamins. For every 3-oz serving, you will get 196 calories.
2. Spinach � This veggy is a great source of manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, folate, and vitamins D & K. Two cups of this vegetable will give you around 14 calories.
3. Oysters � Three ounces of oysters can provide you with 85 calories and you can also benefit from nutrients like zinc, selenium, iron, copper, and vitamin B12.
4. Soy beans � Half a cup of soy beans can give you 150 calories; this is rich in many nutrients soluble fiber, protein, polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, vitamin B1 and B2.
5. Lobster � You get 65 calories for three ounces of lobster. It contains nutrients like zinc, selenium, copper, and panthotenic acid.
6. Mushrooms � Fifteen calories for every cup of mushrooms you eat; mushrooms are also rich in nutrients such as panthotenic acid, chromium, copper, biotin, and vitamin B2.
7. Salmon � Fish lovers will enjoy salmon because it contains many nutrients like choline, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, niacin, biotin, and vitamins D, B12, and B6.
8. Beef liver � Three ounces of this delicious beef liver can provide you with 137 calories. You will also benefit from the nutrients it contains like phosphorous, copper, chromium, biotin, iron, and vitamins A, b12, B6, and B3.
9. Yogurt � Stick with the non-fat or low fat yogurt so the body can benefit from nutrients such as iodine, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, panthotenic acid, and riboflavin.
10. Beans � A cup of beans can give you 200 calories and nutrients like potassium, iron, soluble fiber, molybdenum, magnesium, thiamine, and folate.
Be sure to include these food items in your diet every week and you can have a healthier body.