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Essential Information About Spanish Food And The Various Types

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Spanish food has been quite a favorite among many people both natives as well as people in other parts of the world. Spanish cooking has relatively popular roots. Actually, you will acknowledge that most of the foods are down to earth and come devoid of the intricacies common with other cuisines. In addition, most of the cuisines are made using locally available ingredients or crops that are grown in the region. You will acknowledge however that there are wide variations in the recipes common in the various Spanish regions.

One thing that you will note about Spanish food is that, most of them are prepared using more or less the same ingredients and methods of cooking as were used two or even three centuries ago. However, you will still find others that are generally influenced by the Americans, Portuguese or even the Europeans. Either way, you are likely to come up with one conclusion; that the Spanish food is always tasty, fresh and in abundance.

Some of the most common and basic ingredients in all the Spanish foods are garlic and olive oil. This however does not undermine the fact that the Spanish regional cuisines are quite varied. This is due to the distinctive geographical areas that were settled by varied ethnic as well as cultural groups. In addition, you would not ignore the influence of weather in the variations of the Spanish cuisines in the different regions. Most of the Spanish foods will incorporate the use of either lard or olive oil. This is quite understandable having in mind that Spain is one of the leading olive oil producers.

Another typical Spanish food is cheese. Spanish cheeses may be made from goat, sheep, cow milk or even a mixture of these. There are various types of Spanish cheese ranging from the aged cheeses to soft creamy ones. You would also find blue cheeses which mature in the limestone caves. Cheese may be eaten either as tapas or during meals. It may also be used as dessert.

One of the most valued Spanish foods is ham. Spaniards will pay any price in order to get ham of high quality. Actually, you would get denominations of the origin of particular kinds of ham. As much as there are varied types in the supermarkets or menus, you are most likely to find ham from mountains or sierra.

Another common Spanish food is fish and other types of seafood. Given that Spain sits in Iberian Peninsula with water surrounding it on its three sides, there is plenty of fresh seafood in its markets. This includes foods like baby eels, octopus, shrimps, and halibuts.

The Spaniards also have a deep love for sausages especially their Chorizo. This pork sausage is made using paprika. It comes in a wide variety of types from the soft and fresh ones to the smoked, aged type. Many people actually get the various sausage offered in the market, make them then hang them in attics or cellars to dry.

Spanish foods will in most cases not be complete without fruits as well as vegetables. Fruits may be eaten as snacks, or even as desserts. Sautéed vegetables and simple salads are eaten daily.