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Facial Skin Care , How To Look After Your Skin

27 18:27:13
Looking after your facial skin needn't be such a big deal. You really don't have to spend hours on your face in front of the mirror in order to see results. You simply have to follow a few simple guidelines and do the right thing.

It might sound a bit surprising but most people don't do what's best for their skin in order to look after it properly which is maybe why there are literally countless products for skincare on the market today, it is big business because there is such a high demand. If we all had perfect skin then we wouldn't need them would we.

So what do we need to know to get on the right track towards the kind of complexion we want and maybe save ourselves a bit of cash too?

How to cleanse your facial skin

The first thing to know is what you shouldn't be doing when cleansing your skin and that is never to wash your face using harsh soaps and hot water. Soaps can contain a lot of chemicals which will not only dry your skin out and contribute to premature ageing they will clog the pores, can irritate your skin and ultimately damage it.

Even if your skin is oily and you may think you could do with drying it out a bit, soap isn't the answer. Aggressive cleansing of oily skin will encourage even more sebum production and exacerbate the problem with oiliness.

Hot water also has a drying effect on your skin so if you must use water on your face to feel clean and some people do, make sure you use only warm water and gently pat your face dry afterwards with a clean towel.

The best way to cleanse your facial skin is by using a cleansing product specially formulated for your skin type whether it is dry, oily, normal, combination, sensitive or mature. Try to go for cleansers that contain all natural ingredients and follow the instructions for use on the package.

Always take care when touching your skin, make sure you have washed your hands to avoid spreading bacteria on to your face and use gentle circular movements with your fingers when applying any cleanser.

The importance of moisturising your skin

Too many people simply wash or cleanse their face and leave it at that or will start putting on their make up without applying a moisturiser first. Of all the beauty products you might want to splash out on, a good moisturiser is probably the most important so if your budget is limited, go for a moisturiser before anything else.

Your skin loses moisture all the time and its ability to retain moisture diminishes over time. No matter what your skin type, a good moisturiser will go a long way to helping you keep your skin hydrated, smooth and wrinkle free for as long as possible.

Once again just like cleansers, only use moisturisers that have been created specifically for your skin type and stick to those that contain as many natural ingredients as possible.

Why you need to avoid the sun

If you're a sun worshipper then basically you're in trouble. In the short term you might have a healthy looking tan and a radiant glow but not for long. The sun will only dry out your skin, damage it, and will cause your skin to age prematurely, not to mention increase your risk of skin cancer. To look after your skin properly it's important to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

If you really can't avoid the sun then make sure your skincare products contain a sunscreen and apply it regularly.

What about Omega 3 fatty acids?

Many people seem to forget that healthy skin doesn't just happen by using products alone. Yes this might help enhance the appearance of your skin temporarily but for your skin to be truly beautiful you also need to feed it the right nutrients from the inside.

Now we all know what constitutes a good diet but what many people aren't aware of is the importance of Omega 3 fatty acids for healthy skin. In fact, one of the first signs that you aren't getting enough Omega 3 is skin problems.

The only reliable source of the important omega 3 fatty acids, of which the most important is Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA, is in fatty fish but you might not want to go eating too much fish because of the toxins they can contain.

The other option is to supplement your diet with pure fish oil high in EPA which has had the toxins removed. Not only is EPA required for healthy skin but as it is anti-inflammatory it also helps to soothe inflammatory skin conditions and may prove beneficial for conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema too.