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Pure Fish Oil, What Can It Do For Me ?

27 18:25:45
If you want pure Fish oil, which is basically one that is free from toxins and concentrated in the important Omega 3 fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), then you're just not going to find it sitting on your local supermarket shelf.

This type of oil is what has come to be known as 'Pharmaceutical grade' fish oil and is the kind used in the studies that have highlighted the amazing benefits of Omega 3. Yes there are numerous fish oils available on the market but most of them contain too little EPA to make much of a difference. Also you will usually find that the oil contains Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA too.

Now DHA is another important Omega 3 fatty acid but there is evidence that there is a competitive element between EPA and DHA. We particularly need DHA when the eyesight and brain are developing rapidly so it's important to get enough DHA during pregnancy and in the first few years of our lives. However, the rest of time we really need EPA as apart from all the health benefits offered by EPA this is what the brain needs to function efficiently on a daily basis.

So what will a daily supplement of pure EPA fish oil do you for you?

First of all Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA as it is more commonly known reduces inflammation in the body, it also thins the blood so that the blood can travel more easily throughout the body and to the brain, and it inhibits tumour growth. This important fatty acid is also believed to improve the connections in the brain that allow the cells to communicate with each other enabling more efficient brain function and information processing.

Obviously, all this combined can have a dramatic effect on our physical and our mental health and this of course is exactly what the studies have shown. Taking a high strength EPA fish oil on a daily basis not only provides numerous physical health benefits but it boosts your immune system and improves your mood too.

What many health professionals believe now is that most of the modern day health problems we see such as heart disease, arthritis, skin problems, allergies and even depression, are linked to a deficiency in Omega 3 fatty acids in our diet which is made worse because at the same time we are consuming too much Omega 6.

Both Omega 3 and Omega 6 are important for health and as the body cannot produce these fatty acids itself, we have to source them from our diets. The problem is that the vast majority of us are getting far too much Omega 6 and not nearly enough Omega 3 and our health is suffering as a result.

Omega 6 actually does exactly the opposite of what Omega 3 does so it promotes inflammation, thickens the blood and does nothing to inhibit tumour growth. What we need is a balance between the two and this just isn't happening.

Sources of EPA Omega 3

Unfortunately, the only reliable sources of Omega 3 with high levels of EPA happen to be in fresh fatty fish such as Salmon, Tuna, Anchovies, Herring, Sardines, Mackerel and Swordfish to name but a few, and we cannot eat too much of these due to the industrial toxins that can be present in fish today.

However, taking pure EPA fish oil on a daily basis can give you all the benefits associated with Omega 3 without the detrimental effects of consuming pollutants. It will help to redress the imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 and in doing will help you to become and remain in good physical and mental health.